JDK 7 Updates: Policy Changes
Andrew Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Tue Jul 7 18:50:48 UTC 2015
> Which bug database should we use? The OpenJDK JIRA is the obvious
> choice, but access is very limited. For OpenJDK 6 updates we have
> been using the database at https://java.net/jira/browse/OPENJDK6,
> which is much more accessible. Should we do the same for OpenJDK 7?
I'm working on the assumption so far that we'll use an OPENJDK7
instance equivalent to the one we did for OpenJDK 6. As you say,
access to the OpenJDK JIRA is limited and it would be difficult
for us to e.g. add milestones, additional users, etc. It's also
replete with references to proprietary 7 releases, such as u85,
which would only cause confusion.
Most importantly, we need somewhere to host source tarball releases
and the java.net instance would provide this too.
Andrew :)
Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
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