JDK 7 Updates: Policy Changes

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Fri Jul 10 18:04:32 UTC 2015

On 29.06.2015 12:44, Andrew Haley wrote:
> Which bug database should we use?  The OpenJDK JIRA is the obvious
> choice, but access is very limited.  For OpenJDK 6 updates we have
> been using the database at https://java.net/jira/browse/OPENJDK6,
> which is much more accessible.  Should we do the same for OpenJDK 7?

If you foresee yourself continuing to work on JDK 7 updates for a while, 
and then also want to consider working on JDK 8 Updates at some point in 
the future, having to maintain a monotonically increasing amount of 
information about issues in multiple distinct places sounds like a 
rather problematic idea to me, fraught with all kinds of transaction costs.

I assume based on other comments in the thread that part of the 
insecurity about using JBS is due to the JDK Project in JBS being 
simultaneously used by multiple different Projects. While there is a 
transaction cost argument to be made about the benefits of such sharing, 
I understand the inherent desire to stake out a claim on a space of 
one's own that doesn't need to be shared to reduce risk & friction and 
increase familiarity with a new tool & process.

OpenJDK Projects can have a corresponding Project in JBS, if the Project 
Lead so chooses and requests from the ops team. In such a case, requests 
to change the configuration would probably go from the Project Lead to 
the ops team. For a Project that does that with a fair amount of 
success, please see the CodeTools Project in JBS. Please see 
https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/general/JBS+Overview for details.

In other words, if you have a fair idea of what your milestones look 
like for a few weeks down the road, it should not pose a massive 
challenge to ask the ops team in time to add them to a Project's JBS 
configuration, for example.

As far as names go, I'd suggest using JDK7U or something like that, as 
the OpenJDK 7 Project completed its work back in 2011. Calling something 
new "OpenJDK 7" in 2015 would be rather irritating.

dalibor topic

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