JDK 7 Updates: Policy Changes

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Mon Jul 13 15:25:35 UTC 2015

On 13.07.2015 10:45, Andrew Haley wrote:
> OK, so let me be sure I understand what you mean.  We could create a
> new Project in JBS called (say) OpenJDK7u.  It would therefore be
> separate from proprietary 7u.  That sounds quite attractive.


> We'd still have the problem that only Authors could create and comment on
> bugs, but I think that's liveable.

Under the assumption that users detecting issues would continue to 
report and discuss them on their distributors' issue trackers first, as 
the distributor's binary they ran may carry additional changes not found 
in the OpenJDK JDK 7 Updates Project source code repositories, I believe 
that the number of situations where that restriction would play a role 
in practice would continue to be very, very small.

Looking at the jdk6-dev traffic from the past 6 months seems to support 
that conclusion, fwiw: 

dalibor topic
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