JDK 7 Updates: Policy Changes

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Thu Jul 23 14:01:21 UTC 2015

On 22.07.2015 21:04, Omair Majid wrote:
> What about manual OpenJDK7-specific issues? Can we create those
> manually?

Yes. You could set 'Affects Version/s' to openjdk7u to differentiate 
them from other issues.

> Thank you, this clarifies things. Is there a way to say "We expect this
> bug to be resolved in OpenJDK 7u99" in JIRA? Bugzilla calls this "Target
> Milestone" [1].

You'd do that through a label.

For example, labels are used to communicate the status of an issue wrt 
to Rampdown 2 - *-critical-request, *-critical-watch and 
*-critical-approved are a typical example in update releases.

Such information is ephemeral - so it's not really that useful to have 
after a couple of years when you look again at the issue. Labels are 
great for that kind of information, as you can add, change and remove 
them without having to pollute comments. And you can also search for 
issues with given labels.

> Can we mark an issue as Fixed in Version OpenJDK 7, Resolved in Build
> 7u85? I expect future "releases" of OpenJDK7u to continue using the 7uXY
> versioning scheme that has been used in the past (I don't know if we
> will use many build numbers, however).

Well, unless you plan to actually use build numbers to signify multiple 
builds (and that's not something that's being done for OpenJDK 6, 
afaict), then you could simply use them to signify releases - so 
Resolved in Build would carry b85, and Fixed in version would be openjdk7u.

dalibor topic
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