JDK 7 Updates: Policy Changes

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Thu Jul 23 14:20:08 UTC 2015

On 22.07.2015 22:28, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> I don't follow this. Are you saying something will happen when e.g.
> JDK-8043202 from the current security update [0] is pushed to the OpenJDK 7
> tree?

With the current jdk7u forest hgupdater configuration, a backport issue 
in the JDK JBS configuration would get created.

If that's not desired, the Project Lead should let the ops know.

>>> For example, there is no special representation of the milestones like
>>> Rampdown Phase 2 in the JDK JBS Project. Instead, they were tracked
>>> separately - see https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/jdk7u/JDK+7u80 for
>>> an
>>> example.
>> Thank you, this clarifies things. Is there a way to say "We expect this
>> bug to be resolved in OpenJDK 7u99" in JIRA? Bugzilla calls this "Target
>> Milestone" [1].
> There is in JIRA, generally; we already do this in the OpenJDK 6 JIRA. [1]

Yeah, Fix Version is the other option, aside from using labels.

> we can point people to the bug database to file bugs. As far as I'm aware,
> the OpenJDK bug database is only accessible to OpenJDK committers, so this
> would be a blocker to using it for the OpenJDK 7 project.

That's not quite correct:

"An individual with at least one OpenJDK Project role of Author or 
higher has sufficient cause to get a JBS account. A JBS account grants 
an individual general read and write access to issues, including the 
ability to file new issues, transitioning issues among the states of the 
workflow, adding comments, changing field values (including adding and 
removing labels). The holder of a JBS account can also be the assignee 
of an issue."

from https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/general/JBS+Overview

dalibor topic

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