JDK 7 Updates: Policy Changes

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Jul 24 06:38:27 UTC 2015

On 24/07/2015 6:27 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 07/23/2015 03:20 PM, dalibor topic wrote:
>>>> we can point people to the bug database to file bugs. As far as I'm aware,
>>>> the OpenJDK bug database is only accessible to OpenJDK committers, so this
>>>> would be a blocker to using it for the OpenJDK 7 project.
>>> That's not quite correct:
>>> "An individual with at least one OpenJDK Project role of Author or
>>> higher has sufficient cause to get a JBS account. A JBS account grants
>>> an individual general read and write access to issues, including the
>>> ability to file new issues, transitioning issues among the states of the
>>> workflow, adding comments, changing field values (including adding and
>>> removing labels). The holder of a JBS account can also be the assignee
>>> of an issue."
> Close enough.
> "An Author for a Project is a Contributor who has been granted the right
> to create changesets intended to be pushed into a specific Project’s code
> repositories, but does not have the right to push such changesets directly."
> http://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#author
> Unlike with the other roles, it's not clear how someone is "granted the
> right". There's no voting process as described for committers, etc.

That is stated most clearly under Projects:


But it is implicit in the description of the Project Leads role in the 
bylaws: "The authority to appoint and remove Authors who are not also 


> My point was that, if I'm discussing an issue with someone via e-mail
> and/or IRC, I can't ask them to go and make a bug unless they're already
> involved in the OpenJDK development process and have been awarded this
> author role somehow. In contrast, someone can file an IcedTea bug by
> signing up with an e-mail address.
>> So, the situation with OpenJDK 7 would be as with other projects, and
>> people don't need to be, say, JDK9 committers to modify bug reports.
>> And we can grant Author status to suitably-qualified contributors to
>> OpenJDK 7.
> Can we? As I say, it's not clear how this is done. I also don't believe
> someone should first need to be "a suitably-qualified contributor" to
> file a bug report. People testing and filing issues are just as valuable
> as those fixing them.
> Other development projects, yes. I think the potential bug reporters for
> a package which is installed on many user's desktops (java-1.7.0-openjdk
> and the like in other distros) is different from that of something
> like Shenandoah, which are still experimental and where they'd probably
> have had to build it themselves first.
>> It has the downside that end-users can't create bugs, but that's no
>> different from the other OpenJDK projects.  Sure, it'd be nice to get
>> that fixed for all projects.
> It's different from the IcedTea bugzilla and our existing OpenJDK 6 JIRA,
> which are closer equivalents of OpenJDK 7.  It's also different from what
> OpenJDK 7 had before, where bugs could enter the database via Oracle's
> reporting system.
> I don't think it's something that will ever be "fixed". It's done by
> design so that bugs for Oracle's binaries have to go through their
> triaging system first.
> I'm hearing lots of downsides, but I have yet to hear any benefits
> of using the OpenJDK bug system over the existing system we have
> for OpenJDK 6, which has worked well for the last couple of years.
>> Andrew.

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