JDK 7 Updates: Policy Changes
Andrew Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Mon Jul 27 15:45:04 UTC 2015
> Using a separate bug database is not a real solution, though. It's
> not at all clear to me that we benefit substantially enough from going
> outside the OpenJDK bug database but we lose continuity, the ability
> to search and link bugs, and so on. I'm not convinced that the
> ability of non-Authors to create and edit bug reports is worth doing
> something so different from the rest of OpenJDK.
> The semi-detached status that the OpenJDK community outside Oracle has
> is not doing anyone any good. It's a hangover from the days when we
> really did need to use our own infrastructure, not something to be
> perpetuated. By working outside OpenJDK we also lose some of the
> incentive to get OpenJDK itself fixed.
> Andrew.
Well, no, I'm not proposing it as an ideal. I just want to make sure
we have something that works for practical purposes and doesn't suddenly
bring up admin issues in the middle of a security update. The semi-detached
status hasn't continued for the fun of it; it's continued because it works
and it works now, and there's an element of risk in switching to something else.
I'm still not convinced the OpenJDK project has an accessible enough
level of infrastructure even now. Is there somewhere to host source
tarballs? One of the reasons we started down the same external JIRA bug
tracker route as OpenJDK 6, apart from it being well trodden, was that
it also comes with a download facility to offer the source code release
tarballs. I'm not aware of an equivalent facility within OpenJDK, which
would mean we still end up having to set up somewhere else to host
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
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