[7u communication] Adjusting push rights to the jdk7u/jdk7u master forest

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Wed May 6 19:19:49 UTC 2015

In order to enable a future Project Lead to push their changes to the 
jdk7u/jdk7u master forest, the limited set of Committers with such 
rights needs to be adjusted. [0]

I propose that the set of Committers with push rights to the jdk7u/jdk7u 
forest is adjusted to be the same as for jdk7u/jdk7u-dev.

In other words, all Committers to this Project would then be able to 
push to the master forest, just like with the development forest.

Let me know if you have any feedback by Tuesday, May 12th.

dalibor topic

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