Backporting change to jdk7u?

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Wed May 20 10:55:18 UTC 2015

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dalibor topic

On 20.05.2015 05:25, david buck wrote:
> Hi John!
> As Oracle is no longer directly contributing changes for JDK7 to OpenJDK
> [0], the backport work done for the upcoming 7u85 release of Oracle JDK
> is not available in any of the public Mercurial repositories.
> Oracle JDK 7u85 will be available for Oracle's support customers [1].
> For OpenJDK, the community has the option of backporting the change from
> JDK8 [2] to JDK7 and pushing it into the public Mercurial repository.
> Cheers,
> -Buck
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> On 2015/05/20 11:56, John.E.Gregg at wrote:
>> For my own education, where would I find the fix in Mercurial?  I
>> looked in jdk7u and jdk7u-dev but don't see it.  For jdk8, I see it in
>> jdk8u.
>> Thanks
>> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Seán Coffey [mailto:sean.coffey at]
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 4:47 PM
>> To: Gregg, John E.; jdk7u-dev at
>> Subject: Re: Backporting change to
>> jdk7u?
>> John,
>> the change you're referring to seems to be
>> It's fixed for 7u85 which is an upcoming JDK release.
>> Regards,
>> Sean.
>> On 19/05/2015 22:31, John.E.Gregg at wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> On April 10 a change was committed to jdk8u that I'd like to see
>>> backported to jdk7u.  The change set is a large one:
>>>  I
>>> don't know anything about the background of the change.  The checkin
>>> comment just says "Merge."  I don't know where it was merged from but
>>> it seems to be a bundle of unrelated changes.
>>> The substance of the change to is
>>> to make the triple handshake fix check all subject alternate names of
>>> types "IP address" and "DNS" and not just the first of each.  The
>>> current behavior, introduced in in 1.7.0_71 I think, is unnecessarily
>>> restrictive.  I believe the change is just a single file.
>>> Thanks
>>> John Gregg

<> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
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