[7u communication] Adjusting push rights to the jdk7u/jdk7u master forest

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Wed May 20 10:56:24 UTC 2015

This change has now been implemented.

On 19.05.2015 18:08, dalibor topic wrote:
> There was no feedback. I have asked the ops to make the change.
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> On 06.05.2015 21:19, dalibor topic wrote:
>> In order to enable a future Project Lead to push their changes to the
>> jdk7u/jdk7u master forest, the limited set of Committers with such
>> rights needs to be adjusted. [0]
>> I propose that the set of Committers with push rights to the jdk7u/jdk7u
>> forest is adjusted to be the same as for jdk7u/jdk7u-dev.
>> In other words, all Committers to this Project would then be able to
>> push to the master forest, just like with the development forest.
>> Let me know if you have any feedback by Tuesday, May 12th.
>> cheers,
>> dalibor topic
>> [0]
>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/jdk7u/JDK+7+Updates%3A+Repository+Management

<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +494089091214 <tel:+494089091214> | Mobile: +491737185961

Oracle | Kühnehöfe 5 | 22761 Hamburg
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