Merge ppc port into jdk7u-dev

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at
Fri Jul 22 16:47:10 UTC 2016

Hi Andrew,

> at this, and then you can critique
> the result rather than what you think I'm saying. 
That's good! Facts not theory!

> However, I don't see
> the sudden rush for this. We're not having another release until October.
I started working on this, and I just want to get this off my list. Also, I'm
off for 3 weeks after 28.7. So if there was a todo for me, I should know

> > And ... probably 6f0b8f13db4d, "New files for template interpreter." should
> > be used.
> Why so? It seems like something that was missing from the preceding
> changeset,
> but I'll check.
All before that is mere porting changes, some without bugIDs.

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Hughes [mailto:gnu.andrew at]
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 6:14 PM
> To: Lindenmaier, Goetz <goetz.lindenmaier at>
> Cc: Andrew Haley <aph at>; jdk7u-dev at
> Subject: Re: Merge ppc port into jdk7u-dev
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Hi Andrew :),
> >
> > sorry, I don't understand.
> >
> > > $ hg pull -r 9ee6abf28de9 ../../ppc7/hotspot
> > This will give you most of the changes we did without openJdk bugid.
> > Just the ones Andrew Ha. doesn't want at all as I understand.
> > You will have to do some meaningful merges, without being able
> > to build, as, e.g., Better Byte Behaviour will be missing.
> >
> One merge and the result can be compared against the ppc-aix-port repo
> at the same point. We wouldn't push that; we'd merge into an interim
> repository then just apply the patch to 7u, which is what you were
> proposing to do with the whole thing, I believe.
> > If you form the diffs you have after the merge into a new
> > changeset and submit that to  jdk7u/jdk7u, you still can't
> > pull the remaining changes for the port.  The ones without bugid
> > still will come along.
> Yes, I know; you can't do that either way if you don't want those
> changesets.
> > If you do all of them individually on top this really is a major effort.
> > You would have
> >   1.) to find all changes in ppc-aix-port and not in jdk7u/jdk7u
> hg in tells you this.
> >   2.) export all of them
> >   3.) select a useful order of them
> >   4.) edit the patches so they reflect the changes done in merges
> IME, this is a 5-10 minute job with most of the work actually being
> checking the final result is the same as the original tree.
> >   5.) submit them to jdk7u/jdk7u
> >
> > If you have all these you can make a patch queue and do a test build,
> > and then move the fixes required to the proper patches.
> >
> > Hmmm... sounds like quite some work.
> >
> > How long will the CPU keep you busy?
> >
> The 7 work is done. It's waiting on successful testing before submission.
> I'll try and find some time to look at this, and then you can critique
> the result rather than what you think I'm saying. However, I don't see
> the sudden rush for this. We're not having another release until October.
> > And ... probably 6f0b8f13db4d, "New files for template interpreter." should
> > be used.
> Why so? It seems like something that was missing from the preceding
> changeset,
> but I'll check.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >   Goetz.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Andrew :)
> Senior Free Java Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Inc. (
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