[7u-dev] Backport Request: 7172652: With JDK 1.7 text field does not obtain focus when using mnemonic Alt/Key combin

Vivi An vivi.an at oracle.com
Fri Oct 21 18:41:55 UTC 2016


Could you please approve straight backport for below bug fix to JDK7 ?

This is a bug in Label UI's key release event processing routine for key 
mnemonics: only one release event is captured instead of two(Alt release 
and the mnemonic key release). The Alt release event goes up on 
hierarchy and is captured by the internal frame menu for which Alt 
release means selection change event.
/Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7172652
JDK9 review thread: 
JDK9 changeset: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/client/jdk/rev/f4fb05e323a0

Thank you


~ Vivi

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