Jmap -heap on all OpenJDK 1.7.79+ on Linux x86_64 crash

Matthew Patton mpatton at
Tue Apr 18 23:45:42 UTC 2017

> I believe at one time it was possible to tell RPM to omit the symbol table
> from stripping, but it seems this is no longer the case. Other distributions
> suffer in the same way (I've observed it on Gentoo as well).

Surely we just need to revert whatever was introduced in 1.7.80 to "helpfully" strip it and also put 'jmap' at least and perhaps 'jstack' back into the non-devel RPM, which if I'm not mistaken was also a change about the same time. Jmap in particular is frequently used in production to measure health of a JVM and jstack to capture vital information in the event of a (semi-)crash, and where a core file (for security or space reasons) may not be permitted at all or to persist for very long. Yes, I'm sure developers like to use them too, but corporate security gets bent out of shape big time when it sees compilers and debuggers installed, so installing -devel is problematic.


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