[PATCH] jdk7u141-b02 retro-active security patch review
Andrew Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed May 24 06:57:55 UTC 2017
We have a new release of IcedTea (http://bitly.com/it20610) and a new OpenJDK
7 release, u141-b02, to go with it. This is made from the current state of the
OpenJDK 7u repositories plus backports of the new security fixes
included in 8u131.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide a release tarball
because Oracle has shut down the site that was hosting these.
* Changes in OpenJDK 7 u141 build 0
- S4717864: setFont() does not update Fonts of Menus already on screen
- S6474807: (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect() throws
CardException instead of CardNotPresentException
- S6518907: cleanup IA64 specific code in Hotspot
- S6869327: Add new C2 flag to keep safepoints in counted loops.
- S7112912: Message "Error occurred during initialization of VM" on
boxes with lots of RAM
- S7124213: [macosx] pack() does ignore size of a component; doesn't
on the other platforms
- S7124219: [macosx] Unable to draw images to fullscreen
- S7124552: [macosx] NullPointerException in getBufferStrategy()
- S7148275: [macosx] setIconImages() not working correctly
(distorted icon when minimized)
- S7154841: [macosx] Popups appear behind taskbar
- S7155957: closed/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarStress1/MenuBarStress1.java
hangs on win 64 bit with jdk8
- S7160627: [macosx] TextArea has wrong initial size
- S7167293: FtpURLConnection connection leak on FileNotFoundException
- S7168851: [macosx] Netbeans crashes in CImage.nativeCreateNSImageFromArray
- S7197203: sun/misc/URLClassPath/ClassnameCharTest.sh failed, compile error
- S8005255: [macosx] Cleanup warnings in sun.lwawt
- S8006088: Incompatible heap size flags accepted by VM
- S8007295: Reduce number of warnings in awt classes
- S8010722: assert: failed: heap size is too big for compressed oops
- S8011059: [macosx] Support automatic @2x images loading on Mac OS X
- S8014058: Regression tests for 8006088
- S8014489: tests/gc/arguments/Test(Serial|CMS|Parallel|G1)HeapSizeFlags
jtreg tests invoke wrong class
- S8016302: Change type of the number of GC workers to unsigned int (2)
- S8024662: gc/arguments/TestUseCompressedOopsErgo.java does not compile.
- S8024669: Native OOME when allocating after changes to maximum
heap supporting Coops sizing on sparcv9
- S8024926: [macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support
- S8025974: l10n for policytool
- S8027025: [macosx] getLocationOnScreen returns 0 if parent invisible
- S8028212: Custom cursor HiDPI support
- S8028471: PPC64 (part 215): opto: Extend ImplicitNullCheck optimization.
- S8031573: [macosx] Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't
rendered in high resolution on Retina
- S8033534: [macosx] Get MultiResolution image from native system
- S8033786: White flashing when opening Dialogs and Menus using
Nimbus with dark background
- S8035568: [macosx] Cursor management unification
- S8041734: JFrame in full screen mode leaves empty workspace after close
- S8059803: Update use of GetVersionEx to get correct Windows
version in hs_err files
- S8066504: GetVersionEx in
java.base/windows/native/libjava/java_props_md.c might not get correct
Windows version 0
- S8079595: Resizing dialog which is JWindow parent makes JVM crash
- S8080729: [macosx] java 7 and 8 JDialogs on multiscreen jump to
parent frame on focus
- S8130769: The new menu can't be shown on the menubar after
clicking the "Add" button.
- S8133357: 8u65 l10n resource file translation update
- S8146602: jdk/test/sun/misc/URLClassPath/ClassnameCharTest.java
test fails with NullPointerException
- S8147842: IME Composition Window is displayed at incorrect location
- S8147910: Cache initial active_processor_count
- S8150490: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2016
- S8161147: jvm crashes when -XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints is enabled
- S8161195: Regression: closed/javax/swing/text/FlowView/LayoutTest.java
- S8161993: G1 crashes if active_processor_count changes during startup
- S8162603: Unrecognized VM option 'UseCountedLoopSafepoints'
- S8162876: [TEST_BUG]
sun/net/www/protocol/http/HttpInputStream.java fails intermittently
- S8163520, CVE-2017-3509: Reuse cache entries
- S8163528, CVE-2017-3511: Better library loading
- S8164533: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/CloseSocket.java failed
with "Error while cleaning up threads after test"
- S8165626, CVE-2017-3512: Improved window framing
- S8167110, CVE-2017-3514: Windows peering issue
- S8167179: Make XSL generated namespace prefixes local to
transformation process
- S8169011, CVE-2017-3526: Resizing XML parse trees
- S8169465: Deadlock in com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Connections
- S8169589: [macosx] Activating a JDialog puts to back another dialog
- S8170222, CVE-2017-3533: Better transfers of files
- S8171121, CVE-2017-3539: Enhancing jar checking
- S8171533, CVE-2017-3544: Better email transfer
- S8172299: Improve class processing
- S8170307: Stack size option -Xss is ignored
- S8170316: (tz) Support tzdata2016j
- S8170814: Reuse cache entries (part II)
- S8171388: Update JNDI Thread contexts
- S8171949: [macosx] AWT_ZoomFrame Automated tests fail with error:
The bitwise mask Frame.ICONIFIED is not setwhen the frame is in
- S8171952: [macosx]
AWT_Modality/Automated/ModalExclusion/NoExclusion/ModelessDialog test
fails as DummyButton on Dialog did not gain focus when clicked.
- S8173931: 8u131 L10n resource file update
- S8174844: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to
commercial header for licensee source bundle
- S8175087: [bsd] Fix build after "8024900: PPC64: Enable new build
on AIX (jdk part)"
- S8175163: [bsd] Fix build after "8005629: javac warnings compiling
- S8176044: (tz) Support tzdata2017a
* Changes in OpenJDK 7 u141 build 1
- S8043723: max_heap_for_compressed_oops() declared with size_t, but
defined with uintx
* Changes in OpenJDK 7 u141 build 2
- S8011123: serialVersionUID of
java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException changed in JDK8-b82
Webrevs for the new changes:
Ok to push?
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04 C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222
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