[PATCH] jdk7u191-b01 security patch review

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed Jul 18 21:09:55 UTC 2018

8u181 was released yesterday. We've backported appropriate
changes to OpenJDK 7 to create OpenJDK 7 u191.

The changes from u181-b01 to u191-b00 are as follows:
  - S8005661: [parfait] Possible buffer overrun in
  - S8005695: [parfait] Format string argument mismatch in
  - S8005752: [parfait] False positive function call mismatch at
  - S8034856: gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11
  - S8034857: gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/management
  - S8035054: JarFacade.c should not include ctype.h
  - S8035287: gcc warnings compiling various libraries files
  - S8191239: Improve desktop file usage
  - S8193419: Better Internet address support
  - S8197871: Support Derby connections
  - S8197925: Better stack walking
  - S8199547: Exception to Pattern Syntax
  - S8200666: Improve LDAP support
  - S8203182: Release session if initialization of SunPKCS11 Signature fails
  - S8205491: adjust reflective access checks
  - S8205587: Implicit function declaration in jni_util.c

The changes from u191-b00 to u191-b01 are as follows:
  - S8051972: sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ReadCertificates.java fails intermittently
  - S8076117: EndEntityChecker should not process custom extensions
after PKIX validation
  - S8157898: SupportedDSAParamGen.java failed with timeout
  - S8170035: When determining the ciphersuite lists, there is no
debug output for disabled suites.
  - S8176183: sun/security/mscapi/SignedObjectChain.java fails on Windows
  - S8187635: On Windows Swing changes keyboard layout on a window activation
  - S8196224: Even better Internet address support
  - S8196854: TestFlushableGZIPOutputStream failing with
  - S8197943: Unable to use JDWP API in JDK 8 to debug JDK 9 VM
  - S8200359: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018d
  - S8201433: Fix potential crash in BufImg_SetupICM
  - S8202585: JDK 8u181 l10n resource file update
  - S8202996: Remove debug print statements from RMI fix
  - S8203233: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018e
  - S8203368: ObjectInputStream filterCheck method throws NullPointerException

Webrevs for the new changes:


Ok to push?

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
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