[PATCH] jdk7u181-b01 security patch review

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Thu May 10 03:41:24 UTC 2018

8u171 was released in mid-April and we've backported appropriate
changes to OpenJDK 7 to create OpenJDK 7 u181.

The changes from u171-b02 to u181-b00 are as follows:
  - S7132338: Use @code friendly idiom for '\' in javadoc
  - S8001419: Build the JCE portion of JDK-8000970
  - S8019360: Cleanup of the javadoc <code> tag in java.security.*
  - S8020842: IDN do not throw IAE when hostname ends with a trailing dot
  - S8024068: sun/security/ssl/javax/net/ssl/ServerName/IllegalSNIName.java
  - S8026982: javadoc errors in core libs
  - S8029020: Check src/share/native/java/util/zip code for JNI
pending exceptions
  - S8029475: Fix more doclint issues in javax.security
  - S8034031: [parfait] JNI exception pending in
  - S8054213: Class name repeated in output of Type.toString()
  - S8064524: Compiler code generation improvements
  - S8150530: Improve javax.crypto.BadPaddingException messages
  - S8153955: increase java.util.logging.FileHandler MAX_LOCKS limit
  - S8162488: JDK should be updated to use LittleCMS 2.8
  - S8169080: Improve documentation examples for crypto applications
  - S8175075: Add 3DES to the default disabled algorithm security property
  - S8179665: [Windows] java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException:
component must be showing on the screen to determine its location
  - S8180881: Better packaging of deserialization
  - S8182362: Update CipherOutputStream Usage
  - S8183032: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.9
  - S8186032: Disable XML Signatures signed with EC keys less than 224 bits
  - S8187496: Possible memory leak in
  - S8189789: tomcat gzip-compressed response bodies appear to be
broken in update 151
  - S8189969: Manifest better manifest entries
  - S8189977: Improve permission portability
  - S8189981: Improve queuing portability
  - S8189985: Improve tabular data portability
  - S8189989: Improve container portability
  - S8189993: Improve document portability
  - S8189997: Enhance keystore mechanisms
  - S8190478: Improved interface method selection
  - S8190877: Better handling of abstract classes
  - S8191358: Restore TSA certificate expiration check
  - S8191696: Better mouse positioning
  - S8191909: Nightly failures in nashorn suite
  - S8192025: Less referential references
  - S8192030: Better MTSchema support
  - S8192757: Improve stub classes implementation
  - S8192789: Avoid using AtomicReference in sun.security.provider.PolicyFile
  - S8193409: Improve AES supporting classes
  - S8193414: Improvements in MethodType lookups
  - S8193833: Better RMI connection support
  - S8194259: keytool error: java.io.IOException: Invalid secret key format
  - S8198494: 8u171 and 8u172 - Build failure on non-SE Linux Platforms
  - S8198963: Fix new rmi property name
  - S8200760: java.security-linux was missed in backport of JDK-8160104

The changes from u181-b00 to u181-b01 are as follows:
  - S8189123: More consistent classloading
  - S8200314: JDK 8u171 l10n resource file update - msg drop 40
  - S8202850: Fix for 8189123 doesn't include precompiled header

Webrevs for the new changes:


Ok to push?

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
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