[PATCH] jdk7u201-b00 security patch review
Andrew Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed Oct 31 18:40:12 UTC 2018
8u191 was released recently & we've backported appropriate
changes to OpenJDK 7 to create OpenJDK 7 u201.
The changes from u191-b02 to u201-b00 are as follows:
- S7058700: Unexpected exceptions and timeouts in SF2 parser code
- S7098755: test/sun/misc/JarIndex/metaInfFilenames/Basic.java
should use supported compiler interface
- S7104650: rawtype warnings in several net, nio and security source files
- S7116722: Miscellaneous warnings sun.misc ( and related classes )
- S7117249: fix warnings in java.util.jar, .logging, .prefs, .zip
- S7142888: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ec.sh fail on sparc
- S8044860: Vectors and fixed length fields should be verified for
allowed sizes.
- S8049834: Two security tools tests do not run with only JRE
- S8054431: Some of the input validation in the javasound is too strict
- S8074462: Handshake messages can be strictly ordered
- S8130132: jarsigner should emit warning if weak algorithms or
keysizes are used
- S8142927: Feed some text to STDIN in ProcessTools.executeProcess()
- S8146377: test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/concise_jarsigner.sh failing
- S8158887: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/concise_jarsigner.sh timed out
- S8164480: Crash with assert(handler_address ==
SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(..) failed: Must be the
- S8168405: Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native
- S8172529: Use PKIXValidator in jarsigner
- S8180289: jarsigner treats timestamped signed jar invalid after
the signer cert expires
- S8190674: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TimestampCheck.java failed
with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ts2.cert
- S8193892: Impact of noncloneable MessageDigest implementation
- S8194534: Manifest better support
- S8194546: Choosier FileManagers
- S8195868: Address Internet Addresses
- S8195874: Improve jar specification adherence
- S8196897: Improve PRNG support
- S8196902: Better HTTP redirection support
- S8199177: Enhance JNDI lookups
- S8199226: Improve field accesses
- S8201756: Improve cipher inputs
- S8202613: Improve TLS connections stability
- S8203654: Improve cypher state updates
- S8204497: Better formatting of decimals
- S8204667: Resources not freed on exception
- S8205361: Better RIFF reading support
- S8207336: Build failure in JDK8u on Windows after fix 8207260
- S8208350: Disable all DES cipher suites
- S8208353: Upgrade JDK 8u to libpng 1.6.35
- S8208660: JDK 8u191 l10n resource file update
- S8208754: The fix for JDK-8194534 needs updates
- S8211107: LDAPS communication failure with jdk 1.8.0_181
- S8211731: Reconsider default option for ClassPathURLCheck change
done in JDK-8195874
Webrevs for the new changes:
Ok to push?
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
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