[RFR 7u] 8232643: Building error in jdk7u241 after 7068616

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Fri Oct 25 14:06:09 UTC 2019

On 10/22/19 1:50 PM, Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> Building 7u241 is not sufficient, as I didn't encounter this when
> building either locally or in our RHEL builds. So I need more detail on
> how to reproduce this.

Yes, I managed to build RHEL java-1.7.0-openjdk RPMS locally. But that's
because RHEL RPMS are built passing JAVAC_WARNINGS_FATAL="false" to the
make command (so -Werror arg is not passed to the javac command that
compiles DoubleByteDecoder.java). The warning is still there so we
should be able to reproduce without that. Given that the default for
JAVAC_WARNINGS_FATAL is the opposite (true), I believe we should fix this.


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