OpenJDK 7u271 Released

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at
Thu Aug 20 02:57:59 UTC 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of OpenJDK 7u271.

The source tarball is available from:


The tarball is accompanied by a digital signature available at:


This is signed by our Red Hat OpenJDK key (openjdk at

PGP Key: rsa4096/0x92EF8D39DC13168F (hkp://
Fingerprint = CA5F 11C6 CE22 644D 42C6  AC44 92EF 8D39 DC13 168F

SHA256 checksums:

0f22a1e6c720fb13f92ce391da9fba4dd9b900383dee796e50fe288f0de82f42  openjdk7u271-ga.tar.xz
85947b963b566a17e131f7f6f148417014a31ac324c5f927f800a6283a44fe48  openjdk7u271-ga.tar.xz.sig

The checksums can be downloaded from:


New in release OpenJDK 7u271 (2020-08-19):
* Security fixes
  - JDK-8028431, CVE-2020-14579: NullPointerException in DerValue.equals(DerValue)
  - JDK-8028591, CVE-2020-14578: NegativeArraySizeException in
  - JDK-8230613: Better ASCII conversions
  - JDK-8231800: Better listing of arrays
  - JDK-8232014: Expand DTD support
  - JDK-8233255: Better Swing Buttons
  - JDK-8234032: Improve basic calendar services
  - JDK-8234042: Better factory production of certificates
  - JDK-8234418: Better parsing with CertificateFactory
  - JDK-8234836: Improve serialization handling
  - JDK-8236191: Enhance OID processing
  - JDK-8237592, CVE-2020-14577: Enhance certificate verification
  - JDK-8238002, CVE-2020-14581: Better matrix operations
  - JDK-8238804: Enhance key handling process
  - JDK-8238842: AIOOBE in GIFImageReader.initializeStringTable
  - JDK-8238843: Enhanced font handing
  - JDK-8238920, CVE-2020-14583: Better Buffer support
  - JDK-8238925: Enhance WAV file playback
  - JDK-8240119, CVE-2020-14593: Less Affine Transformations
  - JDK-8240482: Improved WAV file playback
  - JDK-8241379: Update JCEKS support
  - JDK-8241522: Manifest improved jar headers redux
  - JDK-8242136, CVE-2020-14621: Better XML namespace handling
* Other changes
  - JDK-8040113: File not initialized in src/share/native/sun/awt/giflib/dgif_lib.c
  - JDK-8054446: Repeated offer and remove on ConcurrentLinkedQueue lead to an OutOfMemoryError
  - JDK-8077982: GIFLIB upgrade
  - JDK-8081315: 8077982 giflib upgrade breaks system giflib builds with earlier versions
  - JDK-8147087: Race when reusing PerRegionTable bitmaps may result in dropped remembered set entries
  - JDK-8151582: (ch) test java/nio/channels/ failing due to "Connection succeeded"
  - JDK-8155691: Update GIFlib library to the latest up-to-date
  - JDK-8181841: A TSA server returns timestamp with precision higher than milliseconds
  - JDK-8203190: SessionId.hashCode generates too many collisions
  - JDK-8217676: Upgrade libpng to 1.6.37
  - JDK-8220495: Update GIFlib library to the 5.1.8
  - JDK-8226892: ActionListeners on JRadioButtons don't get notified when selection is changed with arrow keys
  - JDK-8229899: Make less racy
  - JDK-8230597: Update GIFlib library to the 5.2.1
  - JDK-8230769: BufImg_SetupICM add ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical call in early return
  - JDK-8243541: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020a
  - JDK-8244548: JDK 8u: sun.misc.Version.jdkUpdateVersion() returns wrong result

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
OpenJDK Package Owner
Red Hat, Inc. (

PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04  C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222

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