TLS 1.2
Neil Meyer
meyer.neil at
Mon May 18 06:50:06 UTC 2020
Hi David,
Unfortunately that didnt work it will only work on Java 7 update 95 and not
on Update 80 of the Oracle JDK, I would like to know which version of
OpenJDK will work and what update?
Kind Regards
Neil Meyer
On Mon, 18 May 2020 at 08:29, David Holmes <david.holmes at> wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> On 15/05/2020 9:35 pm, Neil Meyer wrote:
> > I have a major issue currently running oracle java 1.7_80 seems like
> client
> > just disabled tls 1.1 in production we cant get that oracle update to run
> > tls 1.2 so was hoping that openjdk will run tls 1.2? And if so what
> version
> > must I download still being in line with 1.7
> A quick google search indicates that setting
> -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
> should work with Java 7.
> Cheers,
> David
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