[7u] RFR 8035166: Remove dependency on EC classes from pkcs11 provider

Sergey Chernyshev serge.chernyshev at bell-sw.com
Mon Apr 5 14:54:07 UTC 2021

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for the review. Yes I need your help to push this.


On 4/5/2021 11:08 AM, Andrew Brygin wrote:
> Hello Sergey,
>  the fix looks fine, our testing does not reveal any problem.
>  Please push this change into jdk7u. Do you need any help with push?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> On 20/03/2021 03:49, Sergey Chernyshev wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> Bumping the review thread for backport of JDK-8035166 to 7u. This patch
>> is needed for JDK-8233228, reviewed here [1].
>> Please note this is the version .01 updated patch. The old review thread
>> is FYI [2].
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8035166
>> 7u webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/sercher/8035166.7u/webrev.01/
>> jdk8u commit: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u/jdk/rev/b8ad41e9571f
>> The patch did not apply cleanly. Here's the what changed, compared to 8u:
>> * in DOMKeyValue.java updated package name for classes ECParameters,
>> NamedCurve.
>> * context difference in ECKeyPairGenerator.java
>> * copyright notes in SunECEntries, ECParameters, NamedCurve, CurveDB
>> were updated
>> * context change in SunPKCS11.java
>> The following tests were run.
>> com/sun/crypto/provider
>> com/sun/security
>> java/security
>> javax/crypto
>> javax/net/ssl
>> javax/security
>> javax/xml/crypto
>> sun/security
>> Thank you.
>> [1] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk7u-dev/2021-March/011100.html
>> [2]
>> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk7u-dev/2020-December/011069.html
>> On 3/11/2021 7:18 PM, Sergey Chernyshev wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> What would you think be the target 7u release for JDK-8035166?
>>> Does the patch look good to you?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sergey
>>> On 16.12.2020 23:42, Andrew Hughes wrote:
>>>> On 18:04 Tue 15 Dec     , Andrew Brygin wrote:
>>>>> Hello Sergey,
>>>>>  thanks for the clarification, I see that JDK-8035166 is a prerequisite
>>>>> for JDK-8233228.
>>>>>  The 8u backport for JDK-8035166 has been pushed into jdk8u-dev, and has
>>>>> fixVersion  openjdk8u292 (April 2021). Most likely, 8u backport of
>>>>> JDK-8233228 will be available in the same release.
>>>>>  It would be natural that these fixes should appear in 7u only after 8u,
>>>>> in April 2021. Unfortunately, at the moment  jdk7u does not have a  dev
>>>>> repo to accumulate fixes for next release. If you do not mind,  I would
>>>>> propose to postpone the push of JDK-8035166 to the April release cycle?
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Andrew
>>>> I'm still quite nervous about even including this in 8u, so I would
>>>> definitely wait until it has had more time to soak there before
>>>> considering it for 7u.
>>>> I'll be reviewing JDK-8233228 for 8u shortly and it'll very likely be
>>>> in 8u292. I wish there was a way of working around the need to move
>>>> the classes into rt.jar, but I can't see one, other than duplicating
>>>> the code and having to maintain two copies.
>>>> Thanks,

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