OpenJDK 7u321 Released

Andrew Brygin abrygin at
Wed Oct 20 13:16:05 UTC 2021


    I would like to announce the release of OpenJDK 7u321.

    The release sources are in the mercurial forest:

* Security fixes in this release:
    JDK-8130183: InnerClasses: VM permits wrong Throw ClassFormatError 
if InnerClasses attribute's inner_class_info_index is 0
    JDK-8161016: Strange behavior of URLConnection with proxy
    JDK-8163326: Update the default enabled cipher suites preference
    JDK-8254967: spins on TLS session close
    JDK-8263314: Enhance XML Dsig modes
    JDK-8264210: Better TLS connectivity
    JDK-8265167: Richer Text Editors
    JDK-8265574: Improve handling of sheets
    JDK-8265580: Enhanced style for RTF kit
    JDK-8265776: Improve Stream handling for SSL
    JDK-8266097: Better hashing support
    JDK-8266103: Better specified spec values
    JDK-8266109: More Resilient Classloading
    JDK-8266115: More Manifest Jar Loading
    JDK-8266137: Improve Keystore integrity
    JDK-8267086: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
    JDK-8267712: Better LDAP reference processing
    JDK-8267735: Better BMP support
    JDK-8268071: Improved class naming
    JDK-8268506: More Manifest Digests
    JDK-8269618: Better session identification
    JDK-8269624: Enhance method selection support
    JDK-8270398: Enhance canonicalization
    JDK-8270404: Better canonicalization

* Other fixes:
    JDK-8157404: Unable to read certain PKCS12 keystores from 
    JDK-8269763: The JEditorPane is blank after JDK-8265167

* Added tags:
    jdk7u321-b00: the start of the update 321.
    jdk7u321-b01: the proposed set of fixes.
    jdk7u321-ga: the same nodes as jdk7u321-b01.

* Notes on some issues:


   JDK-8161016: Modified HttpURLConnection behavior when no suitable 
proxy is found.

The behavior of HttpURLConnection when using a ProxySelector has been
modified with this JDK release. HttpURLConnection used to fall back to
a DIRECT connection attempt if the configured proxy(s) failed to make
a connection. This release introduces a change whereby no DIRECT
connection will be attempted in such a scenario. Instead, the
HttpURLConnection.connect() method will fail and throw an IOException
which occurred from the last proxy tested.


   JDK-8163326: Updated the Default Enabled Cipher Suites Preference

The preference of the default enabled cipher suites has been
changed. The compatibility impact should be minimal. If needed,
applications can customize the enabled cipher suites and the
preference. For more details, refer to the SunJSSE provider
documentation and the JSSE Reference Guide documentation.


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