jdk8-b01: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Aug 16 15:44:58 PDT 2011
Component : 2d
Status : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date : 08/15/2011 at 13:48
Tested By : Tao
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk
Bundles : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-08-10-004246.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d-awt/link-to-jprt-build/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
Tests : http://sqe-hg.us.oracle.com/hg/index.cgi/testbase/javase/functional/7/2d/
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://javaweb.us.oracle.com/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-08-10-004246.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d-awt/logs/webrev
Number of Tests Executed : 1 product tests, 1 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
7058434: closed/java/awt/color/ICC_Profile/TagInjectionTest.java failed
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Setup is not available:
Build change only:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b01
Issues and Notes:
The regression test has been fixed and verified with this pit build.
Ran the regression tests in solaris10 and windowsXP and ran Java2Demo as well, no failures are found.
>From Tao
Component : awt
Status : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date : 08/15/2011 at 14:23
Tested By : Yinhe
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk
Bundles : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-08-10-004246.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d-awt/link-to-jprt-build/bundles
Platforms :
WinXP Prof(32), -client
Tests : http://sqe-hg.us.oracle.com/hg/index.cgi/testbase/javase/functional/7/awt/
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://javaweb.us.oracle.com/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-08-10-004246.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d-awt/logs
Number of Tests Executed : 1 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
7068060: closed/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarSetFont/MenuBarSetFont.java failed on windows
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Setup is not available:
Build change only:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b01
Issues and Notes:
>From Yinhe
Component : i18n
Status : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date : 08/15/2011 at 00:47
Tested By : shinya.ogino
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk
Bundles : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-08-10-004246.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d-awt
Platforms :
Tests : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://java-g11n.us.oracle.com/j2se/8.0/i18n/pit/b01
Number of Tests Executed : 0 product tests, 458 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
7012364: test/java/util/Locale/LocaleCategory.sh fails on Cygwin
7059546: closed/java/text/Format/DateFormat/bug6271375.java leaves dfs.ser open
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Setup is not available:
7022407: Spinning CPU in LocaleObjectCache.get()
Build change only:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b01
Issues and Notes:
>From shinya.ogino
Component : tls
Status : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date : 08/15/2011 at 15:37
Tested By : steve.sides
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : /export/jcia-jobs/8-tl-pit-2d-awt.20110809-171539/jdk8-clone
Bundles : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-08-10-004246.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d-awt/link-to-jprt-build/bundles
Platforms :
Tests : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/comp/tools/ws/8_int/tools
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://aurora-ds.russia.sun.com:13000/functional/faces/Runs.xhtml?batchName=11621.LANGTOOLS-ADHOC
Number of Tests Executed : 1636 product tests, 1915 unit tests, 21096 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
6735320: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for empty @serialField tag
7025809: Provided new utility visitors supporting SourceVersion.RELEASE_8
7046778: Project Coin: problem with diamond and member inner classes
7057297: Project Coin: diamond erroneously accepts in array initializer expressions
7062745: Regression: difference in overload resolution when two methods are maximally specific
7062969: java -help still shows http://java.sun.com/javase/reference
7064544: (javadoc) miscellaneous fixes requested by netbeans
7067922: (launcher) java -jar throws NPE if JAR file does not contain Main-Class attribute
7068902: (javac) allow enabling or disabling of String folding
7071246: Enclosing string literal in parenthesis in switch-case crashes javac
7074189: some javac tests fail with latest jtreg 4.1 b03
7076215: (jli) jdk/src/share/bin/jli_util.h should include function prototypes for str functions
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Setup is not available:
7059905: (javadoc) promote method visibility for netbeans usage
7060642: (javadoc) improve performance on accessing inlinedTags
7061125: Proposed javac argument processing performance improvement
7076756: TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/BreakpointWithFullGC.sh fails to cleanup in Cygwin
Build change only:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b01
Issues and Notes:
Platforms: win7_64, solaris_sparc(32),ol6_32
>From steve.sides
The following fixes were waived by SQE:
6330275 jce runtime Rework the PaddingTest regression test.
6380161 java classes_lang (reflect) Exception from newInstance() not chained to cause.
6670868 java classes_net StackOverFlow with authenticated Proxy tunnels
6862224 java classes_manageme TEST_BUG: add cygwing support for closed/sun/management/snmp
6978200 java classes_net ServerSocket.toString include "port=0" in the returned Strin
6995769 java classes_swing occasion NPE thrown from SwingUtilities.computeIntersection(
7007535 java classes_lang (reflect) Please generalize Constructor and Method
7012365 java classes_nio TEST_BUG: test/java/nio/charset/spi/basic.sh can be run with
7021280 java classes_net SocketPermission should accept wildcards
7035556 java classes_net DatagramSocket.java:183: warning: unreachable catch clause
7036518 java classes_nio TEST_BUG: add cygwin support to test/java/nio/charset/coders
7036519 java classes_nio TEST_BUG: add cygwin support to test/demo/zipfs/basic.sh
7036524 java classes_util_jar TEST_BUG: add cygwin support to test/closed/sun/misc/JarInde
7036526 java classes_lang TEST_BUG: add cygwin support to tests in test/closed/java/la
7036530 java classes_nio TEST_BUG: add cygwin support to closed/java/nio/channels/spi
7036542 java classes_lang TEST_BUG: add cygwin support for closed/java/lang/Package/Ch
7037691 java classes_security TEST_BUG: closed/java/security/Security/ReadProp/ReadProp.sh
7041125 jndi ldap LDAP API does not catch malformed filters that contain two o
7054969 java classes_security Null-check-in-finally pattern in java/security documentation
7057320 java classes_util_con test/java/util/concurrent/Executors/AutoShutdown.java failin
7058133 jce build Javah should use the freshly built classes instead of those
7058708 java build Eliminate JDK build tools build warnings
7058828 java classes_util_con test/java/util/concurrent/Phaser/Arrive.java fails intermitt
7059709 jsse runtime close the IO in a final block
7060849 java build Eliminate pack200 build warnings
7061190 java build Update boot JDK version for JDK 8
7061195 java build Clean up makefiles for JDK 8
7061379 jgss krb5plugin [Kerberos] Cross-realm authentication fails, due to nameType
7062430 java classes_lang Minor inconsistency in ulp descriptions
7065972 jsse runtime Some race condition may happen in SSLSocketImpl class
7068059 java other Update jdk/test/ProblemList.txt
7068416 java classes_net Lightweight HTTP Server should support TCP_NODELAY
7068616 java build NIO libraries do not build with javac -Xlint:all,-deprecatio
7068617 java build Core libraries don't build with javac -Xlint:all -Werror
7068662 java other Reserve and restore the default locale
7069870 java build Parts of the JDK erroneously rely on generic array initializ
7069993 java build Adjust make/jprt.properties file for jdk8
7071166 java classes_swing LayoutStyle.getPreferredGap() - IAE is expected but not thr
7072328 java classes_swing Sun URL in the MetalLookAndFeel.getLayoutStyle() specificati
7072523 java build java.math should be built with javac -Xlint:all -Werror
7073295 java serviceability TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/instrument/ManifestTest.sh causing
7073296 java classes_lang (reflect) Generalization of Constructor and Method lead to p
7073308 java classes_io TEST_BUG: closed/java/io/Console/TestConsole.java fails with
7075098 java classes_lang Remove unused fdlibm files
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