Warnings cleanup in java.lang.instrument, java.lang.management (late entry)

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Fri Dec 2 14:45:13 PST 2011

On 12/2/2011 1:11 PM, Jon VanAlten wrote:
> Hi,
> This set is quite trivial, seemed almost not worth a webrev, but nonetheless:
> http://icedtea.classpath.org/~vanaltj/webrevs/javalangwarnings/
Thanks for the fix.  I can sponsor this trivial one.

> I did make use of one @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation;
   L386: this can be replaced by calling the getMXBeans(mxbeanInterface)
   method that does the cast and with unchecked warning suppressed.

   L43: nit: the variable name was aligned with L48 and I will fix
   the formatting to get the name realigned.

>   the same cause for this warning was being suppressed elsewhere in the file and it looked like it would be a messy refactor to do otherwise, if indeed it would even be possible.

There are two unchecked warning suppressed in PlatformComponent.java
which are safe.  What do you have in mind for the refactoring
to eliminate these two @SuppressWarnings?  I may be missing
something but I don't see what refactoring can help.  Anyway,
this trivial fix will get rid of a few warnings.  Thanks.

> Comments?  Would anyone like to create a bug and sponsor this set?
7117585 Eliminate java.lang.instrument, java.lang.management warnings


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