Request for Review: Warnings cleanup in java.lang.*, java.util.**

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at
Sun Dec 4 22:34:19 PST 2011

On 12/4/11 7:10 PM, David Schlosnagle wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Stuart Marks<stuart.marks at>  wrote:
>> I've been mulling over what to do with these two patches for the past couple days. Initially I was thinking of merging the patches and generating a new one combining the best of both. But after I looked over both of them, I felt that we should go with Omair's patch, for the following reasons. First, he had signed up to do this area already, and second, his patch stayed will within the guideline of "simple, minimal, and risk-free warnings fixes" that I had posted in kicking off the WCD [1].
> Stuart,
> That's fine with me, I realize I missed the sign up window. I hope there is another cleanup feat soon.
> Thanks,
> Dave

Great, thanks for understanding. Yes, there will be other opportunities.


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