Review Request: Warnings cleanup in and its subpackages

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Mon Dec 5 16:28:41 PST 2011

On 12/2/11 3:09 PM, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> Hi,
All these classes are implementation classes. These classes were
implemented before the 1.5 language features were integrated.
Below I included the suggestion to replace iterator with foreach
since you are already in that file.
    L221, 229: Since you're in that file, can you change it to
    call the UnsupportedOperationException(String msg, Throwable cause)
    constructor so that the cause exception is available?

    L252-271: it would be good to replace this try-finally with
    L120-128: it'd be better to change this to use foreach.
    L172-173: the variable c in the for-loop should be
       of type Counter.
    L76: another good candidate to use foreach.
    L139-144: another good candidate to use foreach.
    L162: for (String item : allItems) {...}
    L76, 88: the cast should be fixed to "(Class<>)"
    L229, 759: I think these suppressed warnings can be eliminated.
      I have to study it a little bit to determine what we can do
      with this file and get back to you.
    This class was copied
    when it was implemented but the jmx class has been updated since then.
    It didn't use directly
    to avoid loading the jmx classes if is used locally
    with no jmx agent created.  I think it's time to update this class
    and I'll submit a CR for that.  Your change is fine.
    L237: nit: this extra line which can be removed.
    L130, 133: The com.sun.jmx.snmp API is not generified (it's internal API).
    Although the javadoc states that the getTrapDestinations method returns
    an enumeration of InetAddress, I think it'd be better for this change
    to wait until the com.sun.jmx.snmp API is updated.
    L70: should be indented (looks like it was accidentially removed
    in your change).

    L122: the returned type should be List<MemoryManagerMXBean>, right?

    L107: JvmContextFactory.getUserData() returns a Map<Object,Object>
      which is the current implementation.  This strikes me that
      this may lead to some type casting somewhere.
      e.g. L160 - this casts the key to MemoryUsage.
      Shouldn't javac issue unchecked warning for this?  I wonder if
      you see any other warnings.

    I didn't review the rest of the snmp files (up to the
    file).  It takes longer that I expect.  It was very old code and
    looks like that it requires more investigation.  I suggest to separate
    the snmp change and first get the non-snmp files warning cleaned and
    continue with the snmp one next.


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