Summary: JDK8 Warnings Cleanup Day

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Thu Dec 8 20:56:23 PST 2011

Wow, most impressive!

-- Jon

On 12/08/2011 08:12 PM, Xiomara Jayasena wrote:
> Hi,
> Last week we held [1] the first (of hopefully several!) JDK8 Warnings Cleanup Days (WCD), where the OpenJDK community collaborated to reduce the number of warnings in the JDK8 source. 
> We started with just over 10,000 warnings before WCD. The checked-in changesets fixed a total of *1,498 * warnings, leaving 8,515.
> The pending changesets (with webrevs) would fix and additional 674 warnings, giving a grand total of *2,172* warning fixed, bringing us down to 7,841 overall.  Great job to everyone who participated!!
> If you would like to see the further breakdown of the changes, you can go to the warnings cleanup wiki [2] and see them there.
> We learned a lot from this first experience and appreciated how quickly the community responded to our request for help even with such short notice.
> Thanks again!
> -Xiomara
> [1]
> [2]

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