Tests (Was Warnings Cleanup in java.util.<various> (more from hack day))

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 03:24:27 PST 2011

>> Thanks for the set-up instructions, between that and the jtreg site I
>> was able to get them running.
>> I'll probably have more specific questions later on, but in the mean
>> time I'd like to be able to
>> contribute some documentation steps so that especially when community
>> enthusiasts help out
>> with things like 'javac warning clean-up' they do so with an extra safety
>> net.
>> I pinged the guide-discuss list as I thought the developers guide
>> should be where this goes. It
>> could be Warlocks dilemma, but I got not reply there, is the
>> developers guide still the right place? Or
>> is there a wiki that now holds the equivalent developers guide?
>> Apologies for asking on this list, but wasn't sure what another
>> appropriate list would be, OpenJDK
>> has a lot of lists ;-).
>> Cheers,
>> Martijn
> Martijn,
> I think the Developers Guide is the right place to put this sort of
> documentation, and ideally the guide-discuss list would be the place to
> discuss it. In the meantime, I suggest creating documentation so that we can
> post it "somewhere" where it can be referenced by others wanting to join in
> the fun.
> -- Jon

Hi Jon/All,

So if developers were working through the guide for fixing a bug at
http://openjdk.java.net/guide/changePlanning.html#bug then following
on from Step 6 there could be something like (formatting would need to
be improved):

7. Configuring and running the jtreg tests

1. Go to http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/ and have a scan through the
details there
2. Go http://download.java.net/openjdk/jtreg/
3. Download the latest binary zip file
4. Unzip the contents to a directory of your choosing, you should see
a folder called jtreg
5. Set JT_HOME=<location where you unzipped jtreg>
5. Set your PATH to PATH=$PATH:$JT_HOME/<your platform>/bin  (look at
the $JT_HOME directory for supported platforms)
6. cd <location of where OpenJDK source was cloned to>/test
7. make <test target> (e.g. In order to test the util package: make
jdk_util &> test.log)

For more options and details see http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/


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