OpenJDK adoption by Java User Groups

Stephen McConnell mcconnell at
Fri Dec 9 08:58:09 PST 2011


I would like to see Sonar metrics for the following:
  1.. unit test coverage 
  2.. technical debt
I use Sonar on multiple internal projects and these two metrics mean a lot to me.

Cheers, Steve.

p.s. I can provide resources to help with the configuration if required.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Jonathan Gibbons 
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 3:15 AM 
To: Stephen McConnell 
Cc: Artem Ananiev ; jdk8-dev at 
Subject: Re: OpenJDK adoption by Java User Groups 

On 12/09/2011 08:40 AM, Stephen McConnell wrote:
> Seems we don't' have test coverage in place. Does anyone know if this 
> is being put in place?

Can you give more details on what you mean or would like to see here?

-- Jon

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