Getting jdk7 changes into jdk8

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Mon Jun 6 17:04:15 PDT 2011

John Coomes said the following on 06/07/11 09:50:
> Kelly O'Hair (kelly.ohair at wrote:
>> Some questions have come up with regards to how the jdk7 changes will be pulled into jdk8.
>> Please be careful here, we do NOT want new changesets created in jdk8 for the exact same change
>> that was pushed into jdk7, we want the EXACT same jdk7 changeset in jdk8, not a re-creation.
>> The default behavior for 'hg import' is to re-create a new changeset (unless you use --exact).
>> This might sound like a silly difference, but it is actually very important.
>> If you re-create changesets for the same CR number, your integrator will be in a world of hurt when he/she
>> finds out that they cannot sync with the master jdk8 repos because of the same CR was used in 2 different
>> changesets.
>> The Release Engineering team will likely be doing syncs between jdk7 and jdk8 at jdk7 promotions or
>> maybe nightly, so unless you are in some kind or urgent hurry, please just let RE do this jdk7->jdk8 sync.
> Hotspot is already in position where we cannot merge from jdk7 ->
> jdk8, because of the order in which approvals occurred.  So RE should
> *not* sync hotspot from jdk7 -> jdk8.  The hotspot fixes added late to
> jdk7 will propagate to jdk8 as part of the regular hotspot express
> release model.

Which will mean new changesets - correct?

That said, there are no 8 hotspot changesets yet so I don't understand 
why the master hotspot repo for 7 can't be used to push all missing HS 
fixes from 7 to 8 ???


> -John

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