JDK 8 Warnings Cleanup Day -- Dec. 1st, 2011

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Wed Nov 30 08:41:57 PST 2011

On 11/30/2011 08:33 AM, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> Hi John,
>> Martijn,
>> It is great to see this sort of enthusiasm.
>> As a reviewer for similar efforts in the past, I note that it can help to
>> group changes by the amount of analysis needed for each change. For example,
>> changes to remove redundant casts are pretty easy to do, and to review, but
>> other changes might need more analysis, especially anything involving method
>> signatures.
> Thanks! We'll do just that - any other suggestions on how people want
> to receive patches/effort/results please let us know.  We really don't
> want to add unnecessary burden.
> Cheers,
> Martijn


I think there is going to be some amount of "figuring it out as we go", 
so there will probably need to be some amount of back and forth to begin 
with regarding what are "safe" changes to make, and what are not.   
We'll be using chat rooms and responding to email to help those joining 
in the fun.

-- Jon

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