Areas of work: JDK8 Warnings Cleanup Day (WCD)

Deepak Bhole dbhole at
Wed Nov 30 14:45:08 PST 2011

* Xiomara Jayasena <xiomara.jayasena at> [2011-11-30 15:16]:
> Hi,
> So far the following people have signed up and I have put the area of interest to work on next to their names.
> - Sebastian Sickelmann -
> - Alan Bateman / Chris Hegarty - java.rmi.**, the serialization classes, and several core classes [1]
> - Andrew John - Corba
> - Mario Torre -- src/share/classes/sun/java2d/
> - Weijun Wang - src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/Kerberos/ and ./sun/misc/.
> - Michael Barker (London Jug) 
>    * java.util.jar
>    * java.util.logging
>    * java.util.prefs
>    * java.util.regex
>    *
> - Hinkmond Wong - jdk/make/sun/misc/*
> [1]
> Please let me know if you do not see something that you have sent in and should be added above.  The above is a summary of what we have so far, there is still time to send in names of files/areas that you would like to work on.

Sent this privately but sending here just so no one else picks it up by
mistake and starts working on it...

I will take java.text.**


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