jdk8-b12: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Fri Oct 28 23:00:13 PDT 2011



Component : 2d
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 10/26/2011 at 13:22
Tested By : Tony
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : http://sqe-hg.us.oracle.com/hg/index.cgi/testbase/javase/functional/8/2d/   
Bundles   : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-10-26-045935.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d/link-to-jprt-build/bundles
Platforms : 

Tests     : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-10-26-045935.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d/logs/webrev/
Number of Tests Executed : 2 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass: 
6604109: javax.print.PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices fails SOMETIMES for Cups
6997116: The case automatically failed due to java.lang.ClassCastException.

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes): 

 Tested, Fail: 

 Untested bug fixes:
    Setup is not available: 
    Build change only: 

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build: 

    Bugs in earlier promoted build: 

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b12

Issues and Notes:
>From Tony

Component : i18n
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 10/27/2011 at 21:20
Tested By : tomonori.shioda at oracle.com
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk 
Bundles   : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2011-10-26-045935.jcg-integrator.tl-pit-2d/link-to-jprt-build/bundles 
Platforms : 
Solaris x86 10(32), -client

Tests     : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/repo.latest-pit/jdk/test/closed/java/util/TimeZone/TimeZoneData
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : N/A
Number of Tests Executed : 1 product tests, 2 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass: 
7103108: (tz) Support tzdata2011l
7103405: Correct display names for Pacific/Apia timezone

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes): 

 Tested, Fail: 

 Untested bug fixes:
    Setup is not available: 
    Build change only: 

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build: 

    Bugs in earlier promoted build: 

Number of PIT requested: 2
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b12

Issues and Notes:
>From tomonori.shioda at oracle.com

The following fixes were waived by SQE

5029031 java classes_util     (coll) Collections.checkedQueue(Queue<T>,Class) is missing
6953295 java classes_security Move few sun.security.{util, x509, pkcs} classes used by key
7031830 jsse runtime          bad_record_mac failure on TLSv1.2 enabled connection with SS
7085849 jmx  classes          closed/javax/management/remote/mandatory/security/RMIIIOPSer
7092897 java classes_security sun.security.util.Cache should be generified
7093325 java compiler         Redundant entry in bytecode exception table
7096014 java compiler         Javac tokens should retain state
7097436 java compiler         Project Coin: duplicate varargs warnings on method annotated
7098530 java compiler         tools/javac/javazip/Test.sh can fail on Windows
7098660 java compiler         Write better overload resolution/inference tests
7099228 java classes_security Use a PKCS11 config attribute to control encoding of an EC p
7099399 java classes_security cannot deal with CRL file larger than 16MB
7100054 java other            (porting) Native code should include fcntl.h and unistd.h ra
7101146 java compiler         Paths should more directly managed by BaseFileManager
7102515 java compiler         javac running very very long and not returning
7102665 java classes_net      Move tests to Problemlist
7102686 java classes_security Restructure timestamp code so that jars and modules can more
7102704 java classes_net      test/java/net/DatagramSocket/ChangingAddress.java failing
7103549 java classes_security Remove dependencies on libjava and libjvm from security libr
7104039 java compiler         refactor/cleanup javac Paths class
7104209 java rmi              Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
7104577 java rmi              Changes for 7104209 cause many RMI tests to fail
7104618 java compiler         MessageInfo.java is failing after lexer changes
7104905 java compiler         Java SE build fails on call to CreateSymbols

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