Proposed dates for JDK 8

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Sat Apr 14 02:19:50 PDT 2012

Hi Mathias

Hi Mark and Martijn,
> I've been away for a few days so I didn't get the chance to reply back
> until today.
> I think it is great that the Java User Groups wants to help out in testing
> JDK 8. I'll look into a proposed date for the M7 milestone and will get
> back to you.
> Martijn,
> Do you have any rough estimate for how much time the JUGs would need to
> run through one pass of the planned testing (e.g. 4 weeks, 6 weeks)? I'm
> asking so I would have a rough idea of how much time would be needed after
> M7 before you would have completed one full test pass and have filed the
> bug reports. I'll use your estimate to see how much time would be available
> for addressing the issues once you've completed the test pass.

It's a hard one to guess this far out. My aim is to have the individual
projects run the testing but to provide volunteer testers from the various
user groups around the world.  So for example the Apache Tomcat team would
set a few days for testing and we'd provide 5-10 folks to help them execute
their specific test plan.

I'll need to get more feedback from the various project leads to see how
long they think it'll take (several of them had Java 7 test plans, so
hopefully we can get a rough guide).

> If there would be too little time to address the issues it might be worth
> looking at doing a test pass earlier as well to ensure there is enough time
> to fix the critical issues.

Agreed, I'm hoping by raising awareness early, that the larger and/or more
commonly used projects will start testing at an earlier milestone.

I'll report back when I've had some more feedback from the project leads.


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