LJC OpenJDK Warnings hack day

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 02:49:29 PDT 2012

Hi all,

Just to follow up on this, we'll likely co-ordinate via the wiki as per
last time, it seemed to work very well (thanks Stuart for setting that up
last time).


On 17 April 2012 23:53, Martijn Verburg <martijnverburg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> FYI - We'll be holding another compiler warnings squashing day on the 23rd
> of April, 1830+ BST.  A few of the 'instructors' (we use the term loosely
> as we're all still learning) will pop up on IRC, but we hope to keep our
> chatter down to a minimum.
> As before we'll package up the patches in sensible groupings and peer
> pre-review the patches before sending them in.
> If there's anything we can do in particular to minimise the impact on you
> folks, please let me know.
> Cheers,
> Martijn

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