jdk8-b51: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Aug 7 15:35:09 PDT 2012



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
6653797 java char_encodings   Reimplement JDK charset repository charsets.jar
7186829 java char_encodings   test/sun/nio/cs/OLD/JIS_X_0201_OLD.java failed in jdk8 TL ni
7129800 java classes_awt      [macosx] Regression test OverrideRedirectWindowActivationTes
7149068 java classes_awt      java/awt/Window/Grab/GrabTest.java failed
7181027 java classes_awt      [macosx] Unable to use headless mode
7184365 java classes_awt      closed/java/awt/event/TextEvent/TextEventSequenceTest/TextEv
7185512 java classes_awt      The printout doesn't match image on screen.
4650871 java classes_beans    Classes in sunw.* should be removed from workspace and rt.ja
7187618 java classes_beans    PropertyDescriptor Performance Slow (continue)
7130915 java classes_io       File.equals does not give expected results when path contain
7081476 java classes_net      test/java/net/InetSocketAddress/B6469803.java failing interm
7120665 java classes_net      Change Java SE spec so that external networking not required
6633549 java classes_nio      (dc) Include-mode filtering of IPv6 sources does not block d
7185340 java classes_nio      TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/Leaky.
7178649 java classes_security TEST BUG: BadKdc3.java needs improvement to ignore the unlik
7179796 java classes_security GSSExceptionImpl outputs duplicate mech oid
7180907 java classes_security Jarsigner -verify fails if rsa file used sha-256 with authen
7186377 java classes_security closed/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/noca/noca.sh failed beca
7187051 java classes_security ShortRSAKey1024.sh tests should do cleanup before start test
7124330 java classes_swing    [macosx] javax.swing.JComboBox throws unexpected ClassCastEx
7167780 java classes_swing    Hang javasoft.sqe.tests.api.javax.swing.Timer.Ctor2Tests
7184287 java classes_util     (prefs) BackingStoreException when calling flush on root nod
7186111 java rmi              TEST_BUG: java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem/unregisterGro
7185051 jce  runtime          Remove TestProviderLeak.java from the ProblemList
7185576 jndi ldap             Need to consider the connection timeout at test/com/sun/jndi
7179879 jsse runtime          SSLSocket connect times out instead of throwing socket close

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