jdk8-b68: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Dec 11 14:03:09 PST 2012



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8004344   client-libs     A crash in ToolkitErrorHandler() in XlibWrapper.c
JDK-8003898   client-libs     X11 toolkit can be chosen as the default toolkit.
JDK-8003830   client-libs     NullPointerException in BasicTreeUI.Actions when getPathBounds returns null
JDK-8003273   client-libs     Missing testcase for 7171812
JDK-8002308   client-libs     [macosx] 7198229 should be applied to the user action only
JDK-8002077   client-libs     Possible mnemonic issue on JFileChooser Save button on nimbus L&F
JDK-8000423   client-libs     Diacritic is not applyed to a base letter on Linux
JDK-7193214   client-libs     Consider simplifying CPlatformWindow.setResizable()
JDK-7154516   client-libs     [macosx] Popup menus have no visible borders
JDK-7124552   client-libs     [macosx] NullPointerException in getBufferStrategy()
JDK-7124347   client-libs     [macosx] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet" on call Graphics2D.drawRenderedImage
JDK-7124242   client-libs     [macosx] Test doesn't work because of the frame round corners in the LaF
JDK-7124223   client-libs     [macosx] Regression test failure with new exception, when glyph is positioned explicitly
JDK-7124219   client-libs     [macosx] Unable to draw images to fullscreen
JDK-7064516   client-libs     ImageIO.read() fails to load an image
JDK-6671481   client-libs     NPE at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI$Handler.handleSelection
JDK-5082749   client-libs     GIF stream metadata specification of aspect ratio is incorrect
JDK-4649812   client-libs     GIFImageReader handles transparency incorrectly
JDK-4631925   client-libs     JColor Chooser is not fully accessible
JDK-8004212   core-libs       java.util.Base64 methods decodeArray and decodeBuffer should return the number of bytes written
JDK-8004141   core-libs       UnsafeStaticFieldAccessorImpl#base should be final
JDK-8004110   core-libs       Remove debug code form sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationSupport.java
JDK-8004088   core-libs       hg push for bug# 4235519 failed to push all files
JDK-8004066   core-libs       TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/Math/DivModTests.java assumes ArithmeticException message
JDK-8003969   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Empty HTML files need to be removed.
JDK-8003949   core-libs       LogManager, downgrade normative reference to ${java.home}/lib/logging.properties
JDK-8003869   core-libs       Eliminate java.lang.invoke.InnerClassLambdaMetafactory dependency on java.util.logging
JDK-8003851   core-libs       MethodHandleNatives dependency on java.sql.DriverManager
JDK-8003846   core-libs       Override mechanism for currency data should not require creating currency.properties in java.home
JDK-8003833   core-libs       Spurious NPE from Socket.getIn/OutputStream
JDK-8003597   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Eliminate dependency on javaweb from closed net tests
JDK-8003380   core-libs       Compiler warnings in logging test code
JDK-8001634   core-libs       Initial set of functional interface types
JDK-7200720   core-libs       crash in net.dll during NTLM authentication
JDK-7198904   core-libs       (alt-rt) TreeMap.clone is broken
JDK-7197662   core-libs       (prefs) test/java/util/prefs/AddNodeChangeListener.java fails by timeout or by "couldn't get file lock"
JDK-7175464   core-libs       entrySetView field is never updated in NavigableSubMap
JDK-7165762   core-libs       (aio) Default thread pool should be configured so that threads terminated after a timeout period
JDK-7155168   core-libs       java/util/TimeZone/Bug6912560.java: expected Asia/Tokyo
JDK-7154390   core-libs       Add support for repeating annotations in j.l.r.AnnotatedElement
JDK-7144997   core-libs       (fs) Files.probeContentType returns null on Solaris 64-bit
JDK-7142921   core-libs       (fs) Files.probeContentType reports a MIME type of "text/plain" on Ubuntu 11.04
JDK-6553074   core-libs       (str) String{Buffer,Builder}.indexOf(Str, int) contains unnecessary allocation
JDK-4235519   core-libs       Make sun.misc.BASE64{De,En}coder classes public
JDK-8004217   core-svc        test/closed/com/oracle/jfr/api/RecordingTest/TestUnregisterProducer.java does not compile
JDK-8004131   core-svc        TEST_BUG: move jdi tests out of core testset
JDK-8003476   core-svc        Cleanup warnings in com.sun.jmx.snmp code
JDK-7200297   hotspot         jdwp and hprof code do not handle multiple sun.boot.library.path elements correctly
JDK-8004134   other-libs      More ProblemList.txt updates (11/2012)
JDK-7162111   other-libs      TEST_BUG: change tests run in headless mode [macosx]
JDK-8004184   security-libs   security tests leave JSSEServer running
JDK-8004019   security-libs   Removes unused method HandshakeHash.setCertificateVerifyAlg()
JDK-8003951   security-libs   Removes unused variables in sun.security.ssl
JDK-8003950   security-libs   Adds missing Override annotations and removes unnecessary imports in sun.security.ssl
JDK-8001751   security-libs   Javadoc warnings in JSSE code
JDK-7199143   security-libs   RFE: OCSP revocation checker should provide possibility to specify connection timeout
JDK-7198507   security-libs   [TEST_BUG] sun/security/tools/keytool/console.sh should be rewritten
JDK-7167056   security-libs   Clarify that BasicPermission names that contain non-wildcard asterisks are not invalid
JDK-8004360   tools           regression test DefaultMethodRegressionTests fails in langtools
JDK-8004211   tools           Remove unused dlinfo local variable in launcher code
JDK-8004105   tools           Expression statement lambdas should be void-compatible
JDK-8004102   tools           Add support for generic functional descriptors
JDK-8004101   tools           Add checks for method reference well-formedness
JDK-8004068   tools           Fix build problems caused by on-demand imports
JDK-8002099   tools           Add support for intersection types in cast expression
JDK-7190862   tools           javap shows an incorrect type for operands if the 'wide' prefix is used
JDK-7153958   tools           add constant pool reference to class containing inlined constants
JDK-7144981   tools           javac should ignore ignorable characters in input
JDK-7109747   tools           (javap) classfile not treating iinc_w correctly.
JDK-6574624   tools           javax.tools.JavaCompiler spec contains errors in sample code
JDK-7039353   xml             Ebay web services sample of jdk cannot work well to display item image

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