Adding support section/segment separating comments

Behrang Saeedzadeh behrangsa at
Wed Dec 12 16:44:40 PST 2012

I remember I had seen in the past in another language, but the point is
giving users some pointers about what methods in a section are doing in
general. For example:

public class Foo {

// @section properties

public int getBar() { ... }
public void setBar(int bar) { ... }

// @section event handling

public void addActionListener(...) { ... }

// @section rendering

public void draw(Graphics g) { ... }

This can motivate new users to add methods to the right section in the code
to keep it consistent over time.

Also IDEs can use this information to categories methods based on the
section they belong to (or they purpose).

Behrang Saeedzadeh

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