jdk8-b71: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Sun Dec 30 21:51:51 PST 2012



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8005402   client-libs     Need to provide benchmarks for color management
JDK-8005325   client-libs     The script should use TESTVMOPTS
JDK-8005065   client-libs     [findbugs] reference to mutable array in JavaBeans
JDK-8005018   client-libs     X11: focus problems with openjdk 1.7.0 under gnome3 when selected keyboard is not the first in keyboard list
JDK-8004873   client-libs     Arrayindexoutofboundsexception for jce decrypting
JDK-8003982   client-libs     new test javax/swing/AncestorNotifier/7193219/bug7193219.java failed on macosx
JDK-8001161   client-libs     mac: EmbeddedFrame doesn't become active window
JDK-7180359   client-libs     Assertion in awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.cpp when running specjbb in jprt
JDK-7124245   client-libs     [lcms] ColorConvertOp to color space CS_GRAY apparently converts orange to 244,244,0
JDK-7104594   client-libs     [macosx] Test closed/javax/swing/JFrame/4962534/bug4962534 expects Metal L&F by default
JDK-8005594   core-libs       Fix to 8003265 breaks build
JDK-8005561   core-libs       typo in Calendar
JDK-8005471   core-libs       DateFormat: Time zone info is not localized when adapter is CLDR
JDK-8005306   core-libs       Redundant cast warning in KeepAliveStream.java
JDK-8005290   core-libs       TEST_BUG: remove -showversion from RMI test library subprocess mechanism
JDK-8005281   core-libs       (props) loadFromXML/storeToXML with small parser is not thread safe
JDK-8005280   core-libs       (props) Improve test coverage for small XML parser
JDK-8005277   core-libs       Regression in JDK 7 in Bidi implementation
JDK-8005248   core-libs       (props) Integrate small footprint parser into Properties
JDK-8005097   core-libs       Tie isSynthetic javadoc to the JLS
JDK-8005081   core-libs       java/util/prefs/PrefsSpi.sh fails on macos-x
JDK-8005046   core-libs       Provide checking for a default method in javax.lang.model
JDK-8005042   core-libs       Add Method.isDefault to core reflection
JDK-8004963   core-libs       URLConnection, downgrade normative reference to ${java.home}/lib/content-types.properties
JDK-8004928   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Reduce dependence of CoreLib tests from the AWT subsystem.
JDK-8004863   core-libs       Infinite Loop in KeepAliveStream
JDK-8004699   core-libs       Add type annotation storage to Constructor, Field and Method
JDK-8004371   core-libs       (props) Properties.loadFromXML needs small footprint XML parser as fallback when JAXP is not present
JDK-8004180   core-libs       test/closed/sun/net/ftp/FtpTest.java doesn't clean-up
JDK-8003981   core-libs       Support Parallel Array Sorting - JEP 103
JDK-8003890   core-libs       corelibs test scripts should pass TESTVMOPTS
JDK-8003265   core-libs       Need to clone array of input/output parameters
JDK-8002356   core-libs       Add ForkJoin common pool and CountedCompleter
JDK-8005309   core-svc        Missed tests for 6783290,6937053,7009998
JDK-8001048   core-svc        JSR-160: Allow IIOP transport to be optional
JDK-7158614   core-svc        JMXStartStopTest.sh failing intermittently
JDK-7146162   core-svc        javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/BrokenConnectionTest.java failing intermittently
JDK-7120365   core-svc        DiffHBTest.java fails due to ConcurrentModificationException
JDK-7009998   core-svc        JMX synchronization during connection restart is faulty
JDK-6937053   core-svc        RMI unmarshalling errors in ClientNotifForwarder cause silent failure
JDK-6783290   core-svc        MBeanInfo/MBeanFeatureInfo has inconsistent readObject/writeObject
JDK-8004893   docs            the javadoc/doclet needs to be updated to accommodate lambda changes
JDK-8005090   infrastructure  Include com.sun.source.doctree in Tree API docs
JDK-8005117   security-libs   Eliminate dependency from ConfigSpiFile to com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile
JDK-8004234   security-libs   Downgrade normative references to ${java.home}/lib/security/krb5.conf
JDK-7197159   security-libs   accept different kvno if there no match
JDK-7109274   security-libs   Restrict the use of certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bits
JDK-8005307   tools           fix missing @bug tags
JDK-8005282   tools           Use @library tag with non-relative path for javac tests
JDK-8005193   tools           New regression test test/tools/javac/lambda/BadMethodCall2.java fails 
JDK-8005137   tools           Rename DocLint.call to DocLint.init which overrides Plugin.init
JDK-8005098   tools           Provide isSynthesized() information on Attribute.Compound
JDK-8004976   tools           test/tools/javac/7153958/CPoolRefClassContainingInlinedCts.java can fail
JDK-8004961   tools           rename Plugin.call to Plugin.init
JDK-8004833   tools           Integrate doclint support into javac
JDK-8004832   tools           Add new doclint package
JDK-8004814   tools           javadoc should be able to detect default methods
JDK-8004657   tools           Add hooks to javac to enable reporting dependency information.
JDK-8004099   tools           Bad compiler diagnostic generated when poly expression is passed to non-existent method
JDK-8003512   tools           javac doesn't work with jar files with >64k entries
JDK-8000518   tools           Javac generates duplicate name_and_type constant pool entry for class BinaryOpValueExp.java
JDK-8005473   xml             Warnings compiling jaxp
JDK-8003261   xml             [findbug] static field is public but not final
JDK-8003260   xml             [findbug] some fields should be package protected

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