AIX and OpenJDK
Steve Poole
spoole at
Wed Feb 1 08:40:17 PST 2012
On 31/01/2012 16:46, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 31/01/2012 10:49, Steve Poole wrote:
>> hi all,
>> Last year there was a discussion [1] about adding AIX platform
>> support into OpenJDK. I'd like to pick up that conversation and
>> complete this work.
>> To recap the salient points of the thread:
>> 1: The scale of the changes to support AIX without Hotspot are
>> small ( ~ 300 LOC) There are an additional 19 new files that
>> cover AIX specific build files and providing necessary support
>> for AIX specific filesystem, virtual machine and process
>> attributes in the same manner as is already done for Linux, Solaris
>> and Windows etc. Generally the changes have been coded as capability
>> based rather than platform focused. These changes are easy to
>> understand and help towards improving platform portability.
>> 2: Generally AIX is very close to both Linux and Solaris. As you
>> would expect we will help ensure OpenJDK developers do not break
>> things where they do not have access to an AIX machine.
>> 3: This work will faciliate the porting of Hotspot to AIX but IBM
>> intends to focus on our own JVM at this time (as you would imagine).
>> We will make a binary of the JVM available for OpenJDK developers
>> who want early access on AIX of ongoing work in JDK8 and AIX.
>> I said I would post more when all the changes under item 2 above had
>> been posted. That's basically now. I'd like to pick up the
>> conversation again and resolve how to get the remaining files into
>> OpenJDK so it's possible to build and run JDK 8 on AIX.
>> I do not consider that the scale of these changes warrant a porting
>> project all of their own. Does anyone have a reason why I shouldn't
>> just start posting the additional files with the intention of getting
>> them added into the main JDK8 repos?
>> Steve
> Steve - in the thread that you cited then I was the one that suggested
> a porting project as a possible route. I still think this is the good
> approach as it would allow a complete port to be stabilized before
> going into the master. The Mac port will be moving into the mainline
> soon and is a good example (along the BSD project from where it
> started) that these projects can get into the mainline.
I can see your point of view but the amount of work to support AIX is
much lower than that for Mac - so I don't see the need. You obviously
have some critieria in your head about port vs no port so I would be
interested to understand that in more detail.
> From your mail then clearly the VM is the problem. I'm curious if
> you've looked at Zero? I don't have experience with it but it should
> simplify greatly the effort to get a VM going. Maybe folks with
> experience with Zero could jump in to give some indication of the
> effort required to build to a new architecture/OS. It may involve some
> work but it would mean that everything is built from source (as
> opposed to using a binary plug as you suggest).
To be honest Alan, I tried building Zero on windows and linux and it was
not a great story (instructions are fairly limited) so I didn't try to
build it on AIX. Of course I don't have a problem with someone else
giving it go!
> -Alan.
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