Warning Fixes from LJC Hack Session

Lance Andersen - Oracle Lance.Andersen at oracle.com
Thu Feb 2 03:31:01 PST 2012

On Feb 2, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Michael Barker wrote:

>> Michael - I skimmed through this and see a couple of API changes and a few
>> methods in java.sql.Date deprecated. I'm sure Stuart will go through
>> everything in detail but just to mention that some of changes may be a bit
>> out of scope.
> These were cases where the methods were already marked as deprecated
> in the comments, but were missing the Annotation.  Javac had a
> specific warning for it.  I'll see what Stuart comes back with and
> I'll drop those changes if required.

Hi Michael

I deliberately did not make these changes yet as they will cause TCK failures due to the signatures and will do this as part of the JDBC 4.2 work and align it with the TCK team

I would prefer to hold off on this change for now.

>> I see Rémi has suggested a slice & dice but I think that's a bit too much
>> work for the changes involved. Instead I would suggest a simple split, send
>> the AWT/Printing/Beans changes to awt-dev + 2d-dev, and everything else to
>> core-libs-dev.
> Sounds sensible, will do.
> Mike.

Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
1 Network Drive 
Burlington, MA 01803
Lance.Andersen at oracle.com

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