CFV: New jdk8 Committer: Kurchi Subhra Hazra

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Feb 2 06:15:23 PST 2012

I hereby nominate Kurchi Subhra Hazra to jdk8 Committer.

Kurchi graduated from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign with 
a M.Sc. in Computer Science last summer, joining Oracle in July 2011 to 
work on the JDK with a focus on networking and libraries. To date Kurchi 
has contributed several fixes to the networking code, has fixed several 
hundred javac warnings in the networking, security and management areas, 
and has recently started contributing changes to the Mac port that is 
now in jdk7u-dev. The following queries will match most of her 

Votes are due by Feb 17, 2012, 23.59 PST.

Only current jdk8 Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this nomination.

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].




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