jdk8-b28: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Feb 28 12:22:19 PST 2012


All fixes were waived by SQE (TL and CPU fixes):

4153167 java char_encodings   separate between ANSI and OEM code pages on Windows
7112642 java classes_2d       Incorrect checking for graphics rendering object
7112647 java classes_2d       Incorrect color processing
7112650 java classes_2d       Font file mishandled
7121482 java classes_2d       some sun/java2d and sun/awt tests failed with InvalidPipeExc
7146152 java classes_io       File.path should be final
6708398 java classes_lang     Support integer overflow
7144825 java classes_manageme closed/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ReadWriteForbidsCr
7126960 java classes_net      (httpserver) Add property to limit number of request headers
7148758 java classes_net      Resolve merge issue which caused testcase failure
6346658 java classes_nio      (se) Selector briefly spins when asynchronously closing a re
7146506 java classes_nio      (fc) Add EACCES check to the return of fcntl native method
7066583 java classes_security Add blacklist entries for Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility C
7066809 java classes_security Add blacklist entries for Microsoft UAG Client applet
7123519 java classes_security problems with certification path
7144530 java classes_security KeyTab.getInstance(String) no longer handles keyTabNames wit
7146616 java classes_security closed/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/OCSP/FailoverChe
7147336 java classes_security clarification on warning of keytool -printcrl
7088367 java classes_sound    Fix issues in java sound
7082299 java classes_util_con Fix in AtomicReferenceArray
6351654 java classes_util_i18 (tz) java.util.TimeZone.setDefault() should be controlled by
7118283 java classes_util_jar Better input parameter checking in zip file processing
7147087 java other            Remove AWT/Swing/client tests from ProblemList
7110700 java serialization    Enhance exception throwing mechanism in ObjectStreamClass
7112267 java serialization    clean up fix for 7110700
7132031 java serviceability   Add MBean to platform to register M[X]Beans for Mission Cont
7110704 jets idl              Issues with some method in corba
7147407 jndi dns              remove never used debug code in DnsClient.java
7145837 jsse runtime          a little performance improvement on the usage of SecureRando

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