Tests (Was Warnings Cleanup in java.util.<various> (more from hack day))

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 06:45:49 PST 2012

>>> Thanks for the set-up instructions, between that and the jtreg site I
>>> was able to get them running.
>>> I'll probably have more specific questions later on, but in the mean
>>> time I'd like to be able to
>>> contribute some documentation steps so that especially when community
>>> enthusiasts help out
>>> with things like 'javac warning clean-up' they do so with an extra safety
>>> net.
>>> I pinged the guide-discuss list as I thought the developers guide
>>> should be where this goes. It
>>> could be Warlocks dilemma, but I got not reply there, is the
>>> developers guide still the right place? Or
>>> is there a wiki that now holds the equivalent developers guide?
>>> Apologies for asking on this list, but wasn't sure what another
>>> appropriate list would be, OpenJDK
>>> has a lot of lists ;-).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martijn
>> Martijn,
>> I think the Developers Guide is the right place to put this sort of
>> documentation, and ideally the guide-discuss list would be the place to
>> discuss it. In the meantime, I suggest creating documentation so that we can
>> post it "somewhere" where it can be referenced by others wanting to join in
>> the fun.
>> -- Jon
> Hi Jon/All,
> So if developers were working through the guide for fixing a bug at
> http://openjdk.java.net/guide/changePlanning.html#bug then following
> on from Step 6 there could be something like (formatting would need to
> be improved):
> 7. Configuring and running the jtreg tests
> 1. Go to http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/ and have a scan through the
> details there
> 2. Go http://download.java.net/openjdk/jtreg/
> 3. Download the latest binary zip file
> 4. Unzip the contents to a directory of your choosing, you should see
> a folder called jtreg
> 5. Set JT_HOME=<location where you unzipped jtreg>
> 5. Set your PATH to PATH=$PATH:$JT_HOME/<your platform>/bin  (look at
> the $JT_HOME directory for supported platforms)
> 6. cd <location of where OpenJDK source was cloned to>/test
> 7. make <test target> (e.g. In order to test the util package: make
> jdk_util &> test.log)
> For more options and details see http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/
> Cheers,
> Martijn

Hi all,

We're organising another hack day (for the 31st of Jan), so just
following this up. Is
someone able to review my instructions (and assuming they're OK) update the
developers guide?


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