Not able to build jdk8/jdk8 ( error)

Mahesh Pujari pujarimahesh_kumar at
Mon Jul 2 06:13:12 PDT 2012

 I tried to build jdk8/jdk8 (with latest update, platform windows, build using cygwin), and I ended up with below compilation error:

--------------------------CONSOLE START----------------------------------

Building OpenJDK for target 'all' in configuration 'windows-ia32-normal-clientANDserver-release'

##### Entering langtools for target(s) all                         #####

Compiling 2 files in batch BUILD_TOOLS
e:\dev\jdk8\jdk8-b\langtools\make\tools\genstubs\ error: incompatible types; no instance(s) of type variable(s) K,V exist so that Map<K,V> conforms to DocCommentTable
            tree.docComments = Collections.emptyMap();
  required: DocCommentTable
  found:    <K,V>Map<K,V>
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in method <K,V>emptyMap()
    V extends Object declared in method <K,V>emptyMap()
1 error
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `all', needed by `default'.  Stop.
Makefile:217: recipe for target `langtools' failed
make: *** [langtools] Error 2
--------------------------CONSOLE END----------------------------------

Seems like its coding error, I had to assign tree.docComment to null to make a successful build.

thanks and regards,
Mahesh Pujari

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