jdk8-b47: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Jul 10 12:39:39 PDT 2012
All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
7177216 java char_encodings native2ascii changes file permissions of input file
7145771 java classes_2d [macosx] CreateFont/Register.java test fails because of cach
7164282 java classes_2d check for NULL return from malloc is testing wrong variable
7169766 java classes_2d remove duplicate code in agridint.h
7176447 java classes_2d Lunix/Solaris fontpath.c : double free(family)
7024749 java classes_awt JDK7 b131---a crash in: Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_isG
7124326 java classes_awt [macosx] An issue similar to autoshutdown one in two AppCont
7142091 java classes_awt [macosx] RFE: Refactoring of peer initialization/disposing
4244896 java classes_lang (process) Provide System.getPid(), System.killProcess(String
7100996 java classes_lang (spec str) IndexOutOfBoundsException when using a StringBuff
7170938 java classes_lang (str) incorrect wording in doc for String.subSequence
7133344 java classes_security Document the java.security.properties system property featur
7169111 java classes_swing Unreadable menu bar with Ambiance theme in GTK L&F
7175392 java classes_swing [macosx] bug4190516.java failed automatically with java.lang
7176907 java classes_util additional warnings cleanup in java.util, java.util.regexp,
7161229 java classes_util_con PriorityBlockingQueue keeps hard reference to last removed e
7175845 java jar "jar uf" changes file permissions unexpectedly
7166896 jaxp parse DocumentBuilder.parse(String uri) is not IPv6 enabled. It th
7162902 jets idl Umbrella port of a number of corba bug fixes from JDK 6 to j
6893617 jndi cosnaming JDK 6 CNCtx always uses the default ORB and not take java.na
7174887 jndi other Deadlock in jndi ldap connection cleanup
7180038 jsse runtime regression test failure, SSLEngineBadBufferArrayAccess.java
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