Potential StringBuffer to StringBuilder clean-up (where warranted)
Martijn Verburg
martijnverburg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 07:57:25 PDT 2012
Hi all,
I've written up the summary of this thread as part of the pre-review
checklist here:
Any comments/questions/feedback is welcome!
On 10 May 2012 12:55, Joel Borggren-Franck <joel.franck at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> "Tobias Frech" <tobias at frech.info> writes:
>> Hi,
>> concerning the safety of replacing StringBuffers with StringBuilders:
>> not only should these StringBuffers not escape the method they are
>> created in. But also they should not be assigned to an instance or
>> static field of the class in this method or any other method which is
>> called from within that method.
> If you assign a StringBuffer to a field then it is escaping. In this
> context escaping means getting out of the method it is a local variable
> in.
> There are many ways the StringBuffer can escape:
> - By assignment to a field
> - By using it as a parameter to a method/constructor
> - With an exception that gets thrown
> - By assign it to an array that isn't local and provably non-escaping
> - By returning it
> (there may be other ways I haven't thought of ...)
> In some of this cases the StringBuffer could be proven to not escape by
> further analysis but this is very easy to get wrong. So for this
> purpose, if it has a chance of leaving the method the StringBuffer is a
> local variable in, consider it as escaping.
> Expanding a bit on this:
> You have two cases:
> 1) The StringBuffer provably doesn't escape. In this case as others have
> said, the conversion will be safe. Beware of aliasing, in general there
> can be many references to the same StringBuffer, none of them can
> escape.
> 2) Given that the StringBuffer can escape, the transformation isn't
> automatically safe, but neither automatically unsafe. But in this case
> the analysis gets much more complicated. It might not be worth the
> effort. The VM is very good at reducing cost for locks used only by one
> thread. So if your escaping StringBuffer doesn't require the
> synchronization then you won't loose that much by having it synchronize
> (but if you actually need it well then the conversion wasn't safe to
> begin with).
> As Mike wrote:
>> On 4 May 2012 17:05, Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> I think that for the most part you have it covered by ensuring that
>>> the StringBuffer instances are all ones that don't escape the method
>>> in which they are created.
> Thanks to all the volunteers for getting involved in this!
> /cheers
> Joel
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