Not able to configure with new build infra

Mahesh Pujari pujarimahesh_kumar at
Tue Jun 26 01:45:03 PDT 2012

Hi Erik,
 I am using Windows XP (winver: version 5.1), cygwin 1.7.11, the issue which I am stuck with is coming always (but I was able to build with new build infra in Apr/May), the other thing is I am able to build lambda/lambda successfully with the same steps which I had done before for jdk8/jdk8.
 Could you please direct me how to debug/look the configuration, is there any way with which we can see what configuration is doing at that point of time (some thing like verbose during configuration)

Mahesh Pujari

 From: Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at>
To: jdk8-dev at 
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: Not able to configure with new build infra

I have not seen this problem before and I just successfully tried 
configure on a freshly cloned jdk8/jdk8. Does it happen every time you 
run or just sometimes? What version of windows and cygwin are you 
running? My first guess would be a cygwin issue that might resolve 
itself by just updating cygwin.


On 2012-06-25 06:19, Mahesh Pujari wrote:
> Hi,
>   Previously (1 or 2 months back) (Platform: Windows) I was able to successfully build with new build-infra, I took the update yesterday ( and when I tried to re-configure, the configuration just hangs at "configure:3179: checking for apt-get". I thought it would be doing something in background and I have waited
> for more then an hour but nothing happened, so I had to kill it.
>    Below are the lines taken from config.log.
> configure:7021: found /usr/bin/wget
> configure:7032: result: wget
> configure:7089: checking if this is a cross compile
> configure:7276: result: no
> configure:3179: checking for apt-get
> Could you please tell me am I missing something over here. Or is there any way to debug or output the configuration in verbose mode.
> thanks and regards,
> Mahesh Pujari

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