jdk8-b45: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Jun 26 18:45:39 PDT 2012



Component : JDBC
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 06/21/2012 at 14:12
Tested By : Eugene
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2012-06-20-063125.jcg-int.tl-pit_cpu-2d-awt/
Bundles   : /net/jano1.us.oracle.com/export1/jcg/ws-depot/8/tl/build-archive/2012-06-20-063125.jcg-int.tl-pit_cpu-2d-awt/
Platforms : 

Tests     : http://stt-13.ru.oracle.com/hg/quality/index.cgi/170_int_ws/jdbc/
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://vice.ru.oracle.com/newroot/results/1.8.0/b45/pit/jdbc/workDir/tonga.output/
Number of Tests Executed : 1120 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass: 
7145913: CachedRowSetSwriter.insertNewRow() throws SQLException
7171917: CachedRowSetImpl.populate does not handle map properly
7171918: XmlReaderContentHandler.endElement does not handle a Delete Tag properly

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes): 

 Tested, Fail: 

 Untested bug fixes:
    Setup is not available: 
    Build change only: 

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build: 

    Bugs in earlier promoted build: 

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.8.0-b45

Issues and Notes:
(SQE: Eugene)

>From ST2 Matrix (2012-06-26):
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7027300/8 P2 java/2d 
  Couple of unrelated issues; see in CR comments.
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7124536/8 P2 java/2d
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7143617/7u5 P2 java/2d
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7143621/7u5 P2 java/2d
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7143622/7u5 P2 java/2d
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7143625/7u5 P2 java/2d 
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7153693/7u6 P3 java/2d 
 Cannot reproduce the bug 
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7158366/8 P3 java/2d 
 Fixed but see a new bug 7179006 
Yuri Nesterenko	Mikhail K 	GREEN fcs b45	CR 7166379/8 P3 java/imageio

The remaining fixes were waived by SQE.

List of all fixes in this integration:
7152811 hots compiler1        Issues in client compiler
7160677 hots compiler1        missing else in fix for 7152811
7110720 hots runtime_argument improve VM configuration file loading
7160757 hots runtime_classfil Issue with verifier
7149048 java build            Changes to corba rmic stubGenerator class are not used durin
7027300 java classes_2d       Unsynchronized HashMap access causes endless loop
7124536 java classes_2d       [macosx] PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService() retu
7143617 java classes_2d       Improve fontmanager layout lookup operations
7143621 java classes_2d       Improve fontmanage cache handling
7143622 java classes_2d       Refine t2k character map validation
7143625 java classes_2d       Improve CVT handling within t2k
7153693 java classes_2d       Three 2D_ImageIO tests failed due ImageFormatException on OE
7158366 java classes_2d       [macosx] Print-to-file dialog doesn't have an entry field fo
7170716 java classes_awt      JVM crash when opening an AWT app from a registered file.
7171163 java classes_awt      [macosx] Shortcomings in the design of the secondary native
7172430 java classes_awt      [macosx] debug message in non debug jdk build
7173487 java classes_awt      [macosx] Problems with popup menus, tooltips and dialog boxe
7174718 java classes_awt      [macosx] Regression in 7u6 b12: PopupFactory leaks DefaultFr
7176644 java classes_awt      [macosx] Missing NSAutoreleasePool in CGLGraphicsConfig.m OG
7165628 java classes_dyn      Issues with java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.Lookup
7143606 java classes_io       File.createTempFile should be improved for temporary files c
7123896 java classes_net      Unexpected behavior due to Solaris using separate IPv4 and I
7176784 java classes_net      Windows authentication not working on some computers
7176485 java classes_nio      (bf) Allow temporary buffer cache to grow to IOV_MAX
7176630 java classes_nio      (sc) SocketChannel.write does not write more than 128k when
7177617 java classes_nio      TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsyncCloseAndInterrupt.java fail
7132872 java classes_security Remove javafx and jogl jars from jre/lib/security/trusted.li
7143872 java classes_security Improve certificate extension processing
7145239 java classes_security Fine-tune package definition restriction
7171228 java classes_security closed/java/lang/SecurityManager/CheckPackageDefinition.java
7176326 java classes_security CertPath/CertPathBuilderTest failures after webrev 6854712_6
7178820 java classes_security Remove test/closed/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/OCSP
7143614 java classes_swing    SynthLookAndFeel stability improvement
7150049 java classes_swing    [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JCheckBox/4449413/bug4449413.jav
7155887 java classes_swing    ComboBox does not display focus outline in GTK L&F
7174970 java classes_swing    NLS: [ccjk] Extra mnemonic keys at standard filechooserdialo
7173919 java classes_util     Minor optimizations of hashing method
7175758 java classes_util     Improve java/util/Map/Collisions.java unit test
6380549 java classes_util_i18 (rb) ResourceBundle.Control global binding support
6901992 java classes_util_jar InvalidJarIndexException due to bug in sun.misc.JarIndex.mer
7160072 java compiler         (javac) JavacParserTests needs cleanup
7174143 java compiler         encapsulate doc comment table
7177701 java compiler         error: Filling jar message during javax/imageio/metadata/IIO
7178297 java compiler         provide mapping from doc comment position to source file pos
7178763 java compiler         javadoc OutOfMemory error results in several jdk8 tl nightly
7178483 java embedded         Change version string for Embedded releases
7166379 java imageio          javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageInputStream) leaks file hand
7175802 java jfr              Missing jdk_jfr in top-level make file
7176138 java profiling        Fixes for missing close() calls and possible null pointer re
7156963 java serialization    Incorrect copyright header in java/io/SerialCallbackContext
7175775 java serviceability   Disable SA options in jinfo/Basic.java test until SA updated
7162159 jaxp other            TEST_BUG: closed/com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/Bug
7157609 jaxp parse            Issues with loop
7157610 jaxp parse            NullPointerException occurs when parsing XML doc
7144423 jaxp stax             StAX EventReader swallows the cause of error
7177556 jce  runtime          Put TestProviderLeak.java on the ProblemList until test can
7145913 jdbc rowset_implement CachedRowSetSwriter.insertNewRow() throws SQLException
7171917 jdbc rowset_implement CachedRowSetImpl.populate does not handle map properly
7171918 jdbc rowset_implement XmlReaderContentHandler.endElement does not handle a Delete
7079902 jets idl              Improving CORBA internals
7143851 jets idl              Improve IIOP stub and tie generation in RMIC
7176574 jgss krb5plugin       sun/security/krb5/auto/TcpTimeout.java failed with solaris-i
7166487 jsse runtime          checkSequenceNumber method never called within readRecord of

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