jdk8-b30: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, Serviceability, 2d, Awt, and Swing

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Mar 13 18:52:09 PDT 2012



All fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
7078053 java build            Solaris JDK build: C compiler writing tmp files into the "ma
7113349 java build            Initial changeset for Macosx port to jdk
7150579 java build            build-infra merge: Remove dependency on ant when building la
7151595 java build            Don't copy DB demos when NO_DEMOS specified
7130241 java classes_awt      [macosx] TransparentRuler demo can not run due to lacking of
7152186 java classes_awt      java.awt.HeadlessException when running AWT apps [macosx]
7148143 java classes_beans    PropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener can throw Cl
7149320 java classes_lang     Move sun.misc.VM.booted() to end of System.initializeSystemC
7151008 java classes_lang     Add library support for repeating annotations in java.lang.a
7145043 java classes_net      HttpServerProvider.java:81: warning - @code("httpServerProvi
6988842 java classes_security jce/ECC test fails for SunPKCS11 provider using nss library
7149012 java classes_security jarsigner needs not warn about cert expiration if the jar ha
7151109 java classes_security backout CR 6988842
7151803 java classes_security do not use othervm in test/closed/java/lang/SecurityManager
7130521 java classes_swing    [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/bug6209975.jav
7132808 java classes_swing    [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/bug4524490.
7146377 java classes_swing    closed/javax/swing/DataTransfer/4876520/bug4876520.java fail
7092140 java classes_util_con Test: java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/TimedAcquireLeak.java
7132880 java compiler         Resolve should support nested resolution contexts
7133238 java compiler         Merge proto-kind and proto-type into a single result class
7144506 java compiler         Attr.checkMethod should be called after inference variables
7148164 java compiler         attribution code for diamond should not rely on mutable stat
7148242 java compiler         Regression: valid code rejected during generic type well-for
7148556 java compiler         Implementing a generic interface causes a public clone() to
7148622 java compiler         Some diagnostic methods do not go through Log.report
7151070 java compiler         NullPointerException in Resolve.isAccessible
7151802 java compiler         compiler update caused sqe test failed
7151078 java demo             Java2Demo breaks build, incompatible method in the same clas
7133773 java jfr              NullPointer in oracle.jrockit.jfr.FlightRecorder.getAvailabl
7146763 java rmi              Warnings cleanup in the sun.rmi and related packages
7151348 java rmi              Build breaks due to warning clean up in sun.rmi.*(7146763)
6961765 jndi ldap             Double byte characters corrupted in DN for LDAP referrals
7149785 scri api              Minor corrections to ScriptEngineManager javadoc

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